55 Replies to “September 18, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. Re: Springfield’s Haitians
    Glen Reynolds has an article on Instapundit that describes Haitian employment in and around Springfield OH.
    I can’t believe it could be true, but what is described resembles “coerced labor”, a euphemism for slavery.

      1. It is annoying that we are hectored and lectured, chided and scolded, by our betters, over slavery that ended 150+ years ago, but they turn a blind eye to modern Slavery, or benefit from it, directly or indirectly. How many household goods, have some level of slave, coerced, or child labor?

        1. This is because these days the organizers of slave trafficking are largely non-white (eastern European human trafficking excepted). But it is true the rich elites benefit from cheap, unskilled labour. The elites rule.

          1. Investors R US, David, so it’s very difficult to not benefit even if indirectly.
            Contrast that to the demands that the descendents of people aho arrived in the USA post civil war, or busted sod on the prairie are beneficiaries of American slavery and owe teperations

          2. I’ve seen a report that Springfield’s mayor owns some properties that he’s renting to the recent arrivals. Federally subsidized no doubt. I miss having a real media. Oh, and the governor’s wife has a special interest in Haiti, so probably state money too.

    1. My sister and I have observed in Regina that there is nothing as dangerous as a little Asian woman driving a big White (they are always white) SUV (I think they must look through the spokes on the driver’s wheel in order to see). They especially do not know how to merge on to the ring road and will “sit” at the merge entrance.
      I have driven in the GTA – they would not last a “New York minute” there.

      1. Mom

        I see that ALL the time here in Calgary…on a ramp to the Deerfoot or Stoney – foot on the brakes doing 40 klicks. I’ve often driven my truck right off the ramp into grass/gravel and pass em. No time for utter dangerous idiocy.

  2. Caught Bloomberg business TV interviewing Rahm Emanuel early this morning. He has had a lifetime career as a Democrat, yet the TV hosts simply identified him as “ambassador to Japan”. The interview was spent on his view that the “economy is sttong” BS. For the rich people watching Bloomberg, the economy has been good to them, in the sense that the stock market is booming, fueled mostly by excessive federal spending and illegal migration.

    The November election is a class-war election, where the rich classes are winning. For the working class and lower-income seniors eeking out on insufficient pension income, the U.S. economy has NOT been good to them. The problem is that every major institution is controlled by the liberal-left, pro-Democrat party elites. Code phrases like “soft landing” wnd “strong economy” will be bandied about until the November election.

    1. “Great news, comrades! Our bread ration has been increased from 900g per day to 750g per day! And we will no longer be charged extra for the weevils! All hail our glorious and beneficent Supreme Leader!”

  3. Breaking. The Federal Reservehas cut its bank rate by 1/2 percentage point, more than the expected 1/4 point. This is surprising to most business observers, but it’s done yo help the Democrats before November. The next Fed decision is after the election. Remember: the Democrat left controls all major institutions.

  4. UN General Assembly passes resolution calling for Jerusalem Old City to be Jew-free

    Argentina, Czechia, Fiji, Hungary, Malawi, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tonga, Tuvalu and the United States joined Israel in opposing the resolution.

    Notably, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Ukraine and Australia were among those who abstained


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