40 Replies to “Speaking to her base or just sharing her candid thoughts?”

  1. That is in violation of unreasonable searches and seizures.

    ~~~ Fourth Amendment

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


    She is a complete and utter imbecile. She’s making crap up again.

    1. She’s not making it up. This is what she and her fellow travellers actual think they should be able to do. And as for the Constitution and Bill of Rights, those were derived from God and thus illegitimate in the eyes of these Marxists. That’s why they have no compunction about violating rights, and are ammoral.

      1. Wish in one hand and take a dump in the other. Tell me which one fills up first.

        Wishing for something DOES NOT make it true.

        The 4th is a guaranteed right.

          1. Of course I am.

            I was and am aware of the 4th and the 2nd.

            Fearing cackling morons that grab attention by being ridiculously stupid is for the faint of heart.

    2. Well … I’m guessing she FAILED her BAR exam the first time … because she missed every question pertaining to the US Constitution. Willie Brown had to give her the answers the second time. Just like she got the questions to the ABC debate, err pile-on Trump ahead of time.

  2. Hey now.. The community has decided you don’t have any rights anymore.. Do it for grandma, the children.. Do it for Covid 19.. They need special powers to harass their enemies, errr, I mean keep us all safe.. That’s it, safe..

    1. My PCP actually asked me if I had any guns in my house … speaking of invasive. I believe I spontaneously devised a way to say GFY in more polite terms.

  3. If they ‘walk in’ to the sanctity of a home, they may find them selves staring down the barrel of one of those sacrosanct blasters. What fool will take the job of going into those homes against the home owners wishes?

        1. If you chose to follow the covid dictates, YOU weren’t paying attention.

          I got no shots and wore no mask. And won’t be doing so.

        1. “So’s Canada. A firearms officer can come in with sufficient notice.”

          Yes, anyone the government wishes to send can come in…there is no requirement for them to be police. And not just to search for guns…to search for *records* of guns, going through all your personal papers and you computer. You MUST assist in this search, too.

          (all this came courtesy of Bill C-68, decades ago…)

  4. In Canada, the relevant law is the Firearms Act of 1995, section 102, where a firearms officer of the provincial government can at any reasonable time enter any place that they believe has more than 10 guns, a prohibited gun, a gun collection, or documents relating to a gun collection. They’re not allowed to use violence to enter, but if refused, they can get a warrant. They’re allowed to open any container, inspect any firearm, and demand any records. It’s for your own good, don’t you see?

  5. They have to provide written warning.

    Of course, they will never look any where critical, such as twice convicted murderers.

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