“The House has no confidence in the Prime Minister and the Government.”

48 Replies to ““The House has no confidence in the Prime Minister and the Government.””

  1. … nor do the people of Canada.

    Congrats Trudeau and Freeland!! You’ve ushered in a fabulous NEW … progressive … Canada. Which is collapsing in on itself. You’ll both go down in history … only NOT how you envisioned.

    1. Kenji I also going to post the exact same thing. The media will only talk about the back-room wheeling and dealing the politicians will make to ensure a “no” vote next Wednesday. But as you say the Canadian public for some time now has lost confidence.

    2. Kenji and David – the house may have no confidence but they won’t vote the bastards out. Canadians on the other hand can’t wait.
      The Globe and Mail had an article pop up on my screen that said Trudeau isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Trying to comfort their Liberal readers. They meant that he had no plans of exiting his role, ever. If only there were some form of government where he could stay in power forever…

      1. If I’m not mistaken, minority parliaments normally do not last much longer than three years or so, with or without a confidence vote defeat. It does not matter which parties may or may not informally prop them up, they’re still a minority government. Therefore, a non-confidence vote is not necessary. He should be calling for dissolution soon, all on his own. The third anniversary of the election of this minority government is this coming Friday the 20th. Skippy needs to do the right thing. Or, is there something special about this minority government?

        1. They let it slip the other day.
          He wants to stay longer than Stephen Harper did.
          Thats it.
          A hollow victory, but for Leisure Suit Larry a singular obsession.
          He’s still pissed that no one is naming anything in Israel after him.

  2. I think there’s a good chance that those NDP members while not “officially” in pact with the #Libranos, will still see their pensions intact if they could hold on for awhile longer…
    Bloc members too.

    1. both the bloc and NDP can take the cowards way out and abstain, and the motion won’t pass because there are still more liberals than cons.

      1. Bet the Bloc already have an agreement with Trudeau. He stays in power. They get the blank-cheque-book. Quebecers will understand what the Bloc is up to. They will take their time to get ready for the next election – after all those MPs have full pension.

    2. And more CPC members than any of the other parties. It’s posturing for the CPC base, they know damned well the BQ has already guaranteed the Liberals backs.

      1. I think Poilievre already realized this.
        Perhaps the intention was to frame all the liberals the NDP and the Bloc as one.
        It’s very easy to craft this narrative when given the choice to distance themselves from Trudeau the NDP and the Bloc vote to keep Trudeau in power.
        You know?
        Opposition parties are supposed to oppose the government party.

  3. Question: There must be a number of liarberal members that are eligible for their gold plated, fully indexed pensions. Of those, there must be a few that have announced that they are not running in the next election. What if those members just did not show up for the vote or did not stand to support the government? They could just walk away from this mess.

    We are often bombarded with news stories about how upset the liarberal caucus is upset with Le Dauphin, why would they not flex a little muscle and truly demonstrate their disdain for their current [dear] leader? Of course, that would require some integrity, something not often associated with the liarberal party. That and an actual concern for the course of the country and not their own self-interest (I know, I know; wake up and smell the coffee)

    1. You’d think that the big Liberal donors and former Liberal MPs and executives would want to make a few calls to ask sitting Liberal MPs to abstain or vote against Trudeau. If Trudeau keeps hanging on, there may not be a Liberal Party because they will be a third or fourth place party that’s getting very little in per vote public subsidies and are unable to raise many personal donations. No Liberal Party means no more Liberal friends, family and corporate buddies feeding at the taxpayer funded trough, possibly forever. At some point, the Liberal VIPs are going to have to go into *man the lifeboats because our ship is sinking* mode.

      1. If the members of the Liberal government in office had any balls they would vote to get rid of that arrogant clown themselves …. ASAP … Some of them may save their seats for doing that.

    2. I wish there were more of those MPs, but Ontario voters are very Liberal.
      By the way, we do NOT NOT want Mark Carney. He colluded with western countries to lie about inflation, interest rates in canada and Britain.

      1. It looks like Carney is already trying to use his new position to help Brookfield get billions of CPP money to manage. Like I’ve said before, the Trudeau government’s imminent election loss means it’s a 12 month open season for looting Canada and Canadian taxpayers.

        1. Link to story

          “The Logic just reported that the multinational, mega-investment company that Mr. Carney chairs, Brookfield, had recently started talks with the federal government and Canadian pension funds to back a new multi-billion dollar fund that the company is raising. Worse, the report stated that Brookfield was seeking $10 billion tax dollars from the Liberal government for said fund.

          The brazenness of this move is stunning, even if measured by the low bar of Mr. Trudeau’s wobbly ethical standards.

          There should be no way in hell that Mr. Carney — who, as Chair of Brookfield, would have a direct personal interest in a new Brookfield run multi-billion dollar fund — should be acting as the prime minister’s key economic adviser while his company is reportedly trying to get its grubby hands on the pension savings of Canadian families and seniors or $10 billion out of their wallets.”

  4. When will all the usual suspects (I’m waiting for Susan Delacourt’s diatribe in The Toronto Methodist Star, for example) start slamming P.P. as being “divisive”, “mean”, of playing “U.S.”- (egad!), or – even worse!! – “Trump”-style politics, betraying our comfortable and much-exalted “Canadian consensus” and threatening our beloved Peaceable Kingdom with such “weird” and “un-Canadian” notions as governmental accountability, etc., and spewing all the usual trite LPC and NDP talking points?

    Asking for a friend

    1. I see the Liberals, the Liberal funded media and even a polling company have dragged out the tired, old “hidden agenda” card. Sheesh, they’ve been trying to panic the eastern half of Canada with the scary Conservative hidden agenda nonsense for decades. I guess we’ll see if Ontario and all points east are gullible enough to fall for that boogeyman yet again.

      1. I don’t quite understand the thought process of voters in Ontario and the Atlantic provinces but you’d think impoverishing the rest of Canada to give billions of dollars, special rights and new green policies to Quebec only would have severe vote repercussions for federal and provincial Liberal Parties. In western Canada, this will be the equivalent of choosing the MAID program for the Liberal Party with little chance of vote recovery for decades, if ever.

        1. The Liberal party is the vaccine and booster that Canadians just can’t quit shooting themselves up with. Ontario and Quebec are the equivalent of a made in Canada safe injection site.

          1. I think the provincial Liberal parties in Ontario and Atlantic Canada should be concerned that the rancid stench of the Trudeau Liberals selling out Canada to the Quebec Bloc to desperately cling to power will stick to provincial Liberal parties. I guess taking down all the Liberal parties in Canada might be another one of Trudeau’s legacies.

        2. Simple! They’re robbing Peter to pay Paul. The central government siphons funds from the west to give to the East, Quebec, and Ontario. Why would eastern and central Canada vote any differently?

          1. I guess but I wonder if the Trudeau Liberal-Bloc alliance might reinvigorate Alberta’s chances of removing their money from the CPP. Perhaps other western provinces might want to do the same before the CPP gets pissed away by Liberals and Quebecers with “investments” to their corporate buddies.

            Has anyone in Ottawa considered such unintended consequences of the Trudeau-Bloc alliance?

  5. I don’t think PP can lose. If he loses the motion, those who voted against it are exposed. If he wins the motion, let the chaos begin.


    1. I see that there are still some of us that don’t seem to understand how politics work in Central Canada.
      The left-leaning party members all know that their seats are in jeopardy if an election is called early, and not one sitting member on any of the left-leaning parties want to see the cons take over government.
      So rather than acquiesce to the will of the public, these MP’s will sell their souls to postpone the election for as long as possible, or at least until there’s a dramatic shift in the polls that will disfavor the cons, and eat into their lead.

  6. Yaaayyyy…Pierre will win and the Supreme Court of Canada can rule this place until the Libs come back in power…which they will because Canadians are rock hard stupid.
    You might think Stephen Harper was PM 2006 – 20014…I posit that Bev McLachlin really was.
    And speaking of McLachlin…assuming she’s still rubber stamping laws for the CCP in Hong Kong, if you’re looking for a Chinese asset look no further.

  7. This forces the NDP, BQ, and Greens to show their hands.

    If BQ supports Trudeau, they smear themselves with Liberal mud, which will come in handy for the Conservatives next election.

  8. Turdhole the bum.. Lost that Montreal election he got personally involved in.. Apparently, they don’t want a carbon tax on everything that moves..

  9. Poilievre & the @CPC need to have this motion every Monday when the House sits reminding Canadians they are getting screwed.
    Friday too, so “they” can stew on it over the weekend.
    They being the opposition members thinking about their future as an MP. and the Public, about how they are getting screwed when they hang out with friends.
    We need an election now.
    Trudeau needs to be defeated badly and the Liberal Party reduced to non-party status this fall.
    They have stolen and lied enough.

    1. I disagree
      Doing it too often is like crying wolf.
      Better to do it this time and use it as a response the next time Blanchete or Singh get outraged over some action by the Trudeau government.
      “You had a choice sir”

      The next election has already started.

  10. Please, please, please let the Turd hang on and not step down. By documenting this (and others) confidence vote it will help the Turd ride that party into the ground for at least a decade.

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