29 Replies to “They Blowed Up Real Good. The Sequel”

  1. I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Detonating Overlords.

    So long as it’s the Kamala-voters cell phones that spontaneously explode.

  2. I can’t begin to explain nor comment with any sense on how this could happen 2 days in a row.
    We’re expected to believe those involved in the M.E. mess that the “other side” is just like us, only with some different belief systems.

    This is Haiti level stupid… I’ll be able to confirm more on this file either Thurs or Fri am when the pagers return to the mosques for further celebrations.

  3. What Israel is doing is a violation of International Law, and almost 100 percent of the people here seem to be not only O.K. with that, but also celebrating it.
    Let me provide a sobering thought.
    Beirut used to be known as “The Paris of the Middle East” It was a predominantly Christian country. And that changed. Due to meddling. Canada is changing too, due to meddling by everyone who holds more than a Canadian passport, especailly Parliamentarians with dual-passports, and it is not changing for the better.
    Laugh all you want, but we will be the equivalent of Lebanon.

    1. “What Israel is doing is a violation of International Law, and almost 100 percent of the people here seem to be not only O.K. with that, but also celebrating it.”

      What violation is that? ‘International Law’ has proven to be a sick joke, most often used as a club to beat Israel with while studiously ignoring the most brutal and bloodthirsty regimes in the word.

    2. Yeah, Duh.
      We know we’re being Islamized in Canada and that’s one of the reasons why we’re against Islamic terrorism.

    3. “the USA, israel and Lebanon are all parties to this Convention

      The Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices as amended on 3 May 1996 (Amended Protocol II)

      …Prohibits the use of booby-traps and other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects, such as children’s toys, specifically designed to contain explosive material….

      …applies to non-international armed conflicts as well as conflicts between States, which means that its rules not only apply to States, but also to parties in a conflict other than States….”


  4. How long before someone hacks EV’s? Doors and windows lock and the battery overheats to combustion (targeted assassination).
    Or it could be a ransom attack where you have 5 minutes to make a bank transfer or you are roasted in your car.

  5. This is good stuff. These guys are already paranoid and enclined to shoot each other. This will crank the paranoid dial up to 11. And really bugger up their communications network. Now everything and everybody is suspect. Buying off the shelf may not be such a good idea. Really unprecedented in the annals of warfare. “I dunno why my gadgets are blowing up, I don’t even know these HAMAS assholes”… In other news, if I was wrecking the enemy’s comm network and incapaciting personnel after setting this up for so lonng, I would do it just before launching a major operation. Any takers on this?

  6. It’s kinda ironic that the Israelis are fast becoming the Romans of our age!!! Concepts like the U.N. and international law are fine on paper, but they do not last in reality. When humans are involved, all systems naturally get corrupted.

    The middle east has been a cesspit for millennia, and the worst of its dregs have been deliberately imposed worldwide. It may take nothing less than modern day Romans, with original Roman attitudes, to deal with them.

    1. P.J. O”Rourke wrote a hilarious piece called “The 2,000-year-old U.S. Middle East Policy expert ” and you can find it in a book called “Give war a chance”. In the first few para he describes this particular part of the middle east and at first you think it’s contemporary, but as you read on, you realise he’s describing the place just before the rebellion against the Romans. And then what he calls their “robust foreign policy reaction” along with the machinations of various traitors, princes and politicians. Any person who thinks this mess can be straightened out is very optimistic.

  7. Read a good article last night about how much intelligence the Israelis are going to glean from this by simply watching emergency rooms.
    They suddenly know a lot more of the players who are identified by their injuries.
    How many UN officials got blowed up and are now outed?

    1. … not to mention 10yo girls!! God I hate radical Islam. And I hate everyone who would use children for sex … or for Muslim terrorism

      1. It underlines the importance of a good work-life balance. It you are in the terror business, you’re best not to bring work home.

  8. One can be complicit by coercion or choice.

    It’s important to know which you are.

    Armchair cheerleading indiscriminate injury, murder, and suffering is sick.

    And definitely a choice.

    All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

    Get your head and heart right.

  9. We have ALL been so thoroughly brainwashed since birth that very few can see the enormity of it. It is everywhere, injected into everything.

    This is NOT normal and absolutely NOT how we humans should be living:

    “Updated on September 2, 2024
    Number of Countries involved in wars 70
    Number Militias-guerrillas and terrorist-separatist-anarchic groups involved 900”


    Almost everything people think they know is a fraud.

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