31 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. A phobia is a considered an irrational fear. One should always have a guarded concern for the danger posed by Islam. Call it fear if you wish.

    1. Right you are. Look at what’s happening in islamic controlled countries. Listen to what muslims say, what they plan for our western civilized societies. There is absolutely nothing irrational about fearing islam.

    1. One can be complicit by coercion or choice.

      It’s important to know which you are.

      Armchair cheerleading indiscriminate injury, murder, and suffering is sick.

      And definitely a choice.

      All killing of all innoncents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

      Get your head and heart right.

      1. Hey a$$hat, the injuries were exclusively sustained by members of vile terrorist organization. No innocents were harmed in this attack. Now FOAD

      2. Tell this 1st to your “innoncent” jihadi friends from Hezbollah or (like someone here said should be spelled now) HezNoBalzHaha.

        1. Awh, too bad, so sad.

          This is what happens when combatants dressed as civilians, hide out amongst civilians, and launch rockets from civilian enclaves.

          My heart bleeds, not.

    2. Dan…

      LOL large…!!
      But I gotta admit, this was well beyond “unexpected”….PAGERS..?? Really?
      I had one back in 87/88 … Damned near 20 years ago.
      But I guess Hezzbo et all were/are leery of Cellular communications.

      That story was a pleasant one to read & see – Couldn’t have happened to a better group of targets..!!

      1. Actually there’s a reason why pagers: the islamists thought that pagers cannot be tracked like phones. Israel is a big name in IT/telecom worldwide, and entire Islam world knows very well that if you have a cell, all communication in&out can be traced by some Israeli IT organization. If you’re a normal person, you couldn’t care less. But if you’re HezNoBalz / Hamas guy, you certainly don’t want that.
        The beauty of the whole thing is how they were able to insert themselves in supply chain, modify so many devices without anyone knowing + carry out the detonation at the same time. And so fitting, couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of people! 🙂

  2. AS I have posted before, I am a lover of history and geography. That includes reading the Old Testament (essentially a history of the Jewish People before Christ was born). There is a doctrine of “you reap what you sow”. Europe is now reaping what it has sown and the people are not happy with the results. Definitely a “time for a change”. Interesting times indeed!

    1. well mmbb, feel free to convey your point and sympathies to whats left of hamas NONE of this latest round of bombings and occupation would have occurred if oct 7 had not occurred

  3. “the USA, israel and Lebanon are all parties to this Convention

    The Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices as amended on 3 May 1996 (Amended Protocol II)

    …Prohibits the use of booby-traps and other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects, such as children’s toys, specifically designed to contain explosive material….

    …applies to non-international armed conflicts as well as conflicts between States, which means that its rules not only apply to States, but also to parties in a conflict other than States….”


        1. Yep. He trolls for Islam, always trying to lure new sheep into thinking that Islam is about green pastures and white fluffy lambs (his method is called taqiyya btw), and not about what Islam actually is: submission, pillage, murder and rape.

  4. Islamophobia is a censorious construct to silence speech critical of the 1400 year old enemy of western civilization and their duty-bound jihad – employed by the “progressive” useful idiots of the Islamic supremacist theocracy. It is a precursor to blasphemy laws. It is a bulldozer driven by western cultural nihilists clearing the road to shariah law.

  5. If Islamophobia is the irrational fear of Islam, what do you call the Rational fear of Islam based on experience and the death of several friends and comrades? Just asking for a friend.

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