Wednesday On Turtle Island

Comrade Kamala’s America:  Media is victim blaming Trump.  Is Maoism coming to America?  Emasculation nation.  Paul Joseph Watson on the media’s reaction to the attempted Trump assassination.

Blackie’s Canada:  Indians and Eco-loons fight pipeline (CBC).  Won’t release the names of traitors.

Woke World:  Can a dachshund be genderfluid?  Heatwave anyone?  Queer ubermenschen.

Your morning meme.    And from the Bee.

9 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. All those who think they can live without oil are welcome to give it a try. I will set the parameters. It starts by removing your clothes and standing in an open field. From then on you cannot touch or use anything that coal, oil and gas are needed for. Good luck.

    1. But, but, but … Kamala wants to “turn the page” … she wants to “move forward” … she wants to “progress” past oil. She wants you to have pride in your lawns … clipped with push mowers and hand tools. Artificial grass if you live in CA … where permanent global warming droughts make water too precious to use on lawns.

  2. That article from the Babylon Bee is its all-time finest moment; and it comes in the face of incredible competition from Democrats who daily beclown themselves.

  3. Maoism coming to America perfectly describes the Trudeau governments war against us fringe group of people with unacceptable views.

    1. “Hate Speech” is a Maoist invention to silence dissent, and punish dissenters. Anyone with a hurt feeling can call you a perpetrator of Hate Speech … or worse … “Denialism” … such as denying Co2 is a “threat” (like Trump) to the planet … or denying mass burials of dead Indian children by evil white Christians.

  4. “Prof. Sir John Bell, a key figure in the development of the University of Oxford‘s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine,” let slip the other day the fact that the school’s latest COVID injection is capable of sterilizing between 60 and 70 percent of those who take it.”

    All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

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