9 Replies to “And Now You Know …”

  1. And this would be the guy contacted by ABC to” fact check” Trump. Well, no surprise that he is pretty happy with the status quo.

  2. Did Trump or someone in his team know this?
    How legit is this news source? I got a couple of places I can post this but I don’t want to do it if there is any chance this is bogus or exaggerated.

  3. As Sundance from Conservative Treehouse always says, there are trillions at stake here in this election – trillions going into the pockets of bundlers and other politically connected vermin throughout the country and abroad. Here (allegedly) would be an example of exactly that.

  4. This exemplifies the evil and corruption of government funded NGOs, the fascist melding of the state with the corporate sector, and the socialist importation of cultural concentrations antithetical to and unwanted by resident populations – all brought to you by your enemy, the state.

  5. Taxpayers are being LOOTED by grifters and hangers-on with impressive sounding titles … who are worse … way worse … than common thieves. Why? Because their grift and theft is crashing the entire system.

    Here is where I get preachy. As a collective society, we used to all (mostly all) have a moral compass. There were deep psychological barriers and guardrails against avarice, greed, and screwing your neighbor. Now that we’ve “killed God” and replaced the deity with ourselves … our society is going on a Caligula-styled death orgy. Hell! (and yes, it’s Hell) … we’re even diddling and defacing our children.

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