My Bags Are Packed

Speaking of which, a new meme template just dropped.

They’re always in the last place you look The current Chair of the Board of the Trudeau Foundation spent 10 years working for the President of Russia

39 Replies to “My Bags Are Packed”

  1. Dare disagree with Lil’ Juthin [sic] about anything, and you’re deemed to be “far right”, a conspirator with Russia, and a danger to Canada.

    What a truly pathetic, sad state our homeland has descended into.

    1. The micro-minded nuttiness is alarming but even more so due to Canadian copycat hysteria: Russia, influencers, etc. Can we not at least have our own original home grown hysterias.

      I’m guessing that Trudeau the Elder must have seen Boy Trudeau’s sissiness which might be how he got into boxing; to man him up. Dint work.

      1. Well, we have the residential school thing.

        I have…had a handful of black friends who wholesale drank the Black Lives Matter Kool-Ade. When I pointed out all of them came here or were born here after 1995, that Canada never had slavery nor any kind of “systemic racism” towards black people, and that the whole thing was an Americanism it was like watching a BSOD. Just blank looks for several seconds, and then back into the “but muh racism” programming.

    2. I await the Canadian “investigation” of my ties to Putin. Dum dum de dum dum dum … I’ll just hum to myself while I wait … dum dum de dum dum dum …

    1. The hypocrisy of the Trudeau government is insane. My understanding is that Trudeau, as PM, is the only person in parliament who can reveal the infamous 11 people in government who CSIS identified as allegedly collaborating with foreign governments. Yet, Trudeau refuses to name them even though they are in positions of power with obvious national security risks and they degrade trust in Canadian institutions. Instead Trudeau is worried about “right wing influencers” who have zero political power. He wants *them* named and brought to committee.

      Is this really how the Trudeau Liberals are desperately trying to deflect and distract from allegations of election interference helping the Liberals and possibly traitorous behavior by Liberal MPs? Trudeau, if he has any integrity or honor at all, should just name the 11.

  2. Justin Trudeau’s destruction of Canada and our Western values will take years to repair! The Liberal party has destroyed our Military as was so well explained in the exceptional video—-” Forsaken Warriers”—-by Aaron Gunn
    In the video Brock serving in Afghanistan stepped on a mine— losing a leg —he almost died!
    Brock asked Trudeau why after years the Canada government had not given him any help? Brock said”You gave our enemy Omar Khadr 10.5 million and he was our enemy and Canadians like my self are given nothing!”
    Then Trudeau answered to they affect that Canada couldn’t help veterans because they couldn’t afford it

  3. Since when does seeking to avert a nuclear war make one a “far right” influencer?

    Trudeau’s an empty suit who does what he’s told, to get globalist approval to assuage his incompetency anxiety.

  4. As the Quebec wing of the liberal party, the “Bloc”, is now going to prop up the poodle’s government I am reminded of an argument I have made here many times.
    The divide in this country isn’t as much between political parties as it is between the regions.
    What ever it takes to keep the staus quo will be done.
    A new national conservative government will serve its masters too. It has to in order to survive.
    “Free The West”

    1. I have held the same belief for several years now. Regardless of party, the West will always have to settle for sloppy seconds as every party knows, if you want to maintain a hold on power in this Broken Federation, you must kiss the ass of the vote-rich regions nearby the Laurentian Elites.

      The west will never truly be treated well and will never prosper as long as we are tied to this unbalanced, antiquated federation. The equalization formula is like a concrete weight tied to our necks.

        1. Usually no crumbs either. Just reminders that “we’re so fortunate to live in this country.” Too many sheeple are indoctrinated to believe that and the West will never get out of this toxic relationship called Confederation. It’s a case where the abused spouse leaves in a body bag.

  5. I’m Surprised he don’t go a tad further and Call anyone who disagrees with his Holiness, NAZI’s.
    Ya know he wants to.

    Far Right – Euphanism for anyone Disagreeing with his Holiness.

    I’d have little issue with a friendly visit of the 82nd & 101st Airborne to come in and Clean out these DEFACTO Traitors in the HOC. (not just the 11, but the entire Liberal/Bloc Caucus). God knows our Gendered Cdn Armed dress wearing, lipstick sporting, weaponless Pansies in Drag literally don’t have the cojonnes to do so.

  6. The LIEberal strategy is so juvenile.
    Strawmen, Strawmen EVERYWHERE!
    So transparent, poorly thought out. We KNOW who and what you are, Blackie!
    4th place polling Blackie!

  7. Russia, Russia, Russia!
    What is it with the lefties that they keep using the same, tired, old, debunked false accusations over and over. It’s like they find it so extremely difficult to come up with a new idea, so they keep re-using the same old BS.

    But then, the left can’t find any valid ways criticize conservatives for their actual policies, so they resort to smear and fear. Sadly, a lot of unthinking voters fall for it.

  8. Well, Kate, if he tries anything with you, I hereby volunteer to go lie in street and be trampled by police horses. I’d do more if I thought there was anything more we could do, but as it is, perhaps I can organize a squad of human caltraps. We can’t stop the bastards, but we can make their bloody horses stumble.

  9. Well, not sure how this kind of thing would play out but if it was before some kind of committee, I would say to any liarberal member asking questions; “are you one of the liarberal members that is in the pay of the People’s Republic of China as named in the NSICOP report? I will not answer any questions until you go on the record” For the NDP, I would say something along the lines of “I will not answer any questions until you pledge here and now, never to use another single drop of fossil fuel in any way shape or form, subject to audit”
    As for the bloc, “I would say Allez, Allez, Allez, Imediatement!”

    Or perhaps something along the lines of “I have received nothing, absolutely nothing from Russia, what have you done for China for the money they have given you?”

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