20 Replies to “Canadian Wonder Weapons”

  1. By Canadian military equipment standards those Browning semiautos are likely state of the art and might come in handy (if) when we get dragged into a three front WW3 by the neocons. Sending them to the Ukraine will either delay their defeat a couple of milliseconds or further enrich Zelenski or one of his Generals as they get sold in the black market.

  2. They were being decommissioned because the government couldn’t get parts for them, and they were being replaced with plastic wonder pistols that don’t work properly.

    some of them might work, but how many armorers that are qualified to work on those pistols are still around with the CAF?

  3. I don’t understand why functional old weapons can’t be retained as war stocks. A mobilization would involve 4 million. Do we have weapons for more than 20 thousand? Do we even have any large manufacturers left to switch to weapon production? How would we buy our weapons from China if we’re fighting China? In 1940, my father trained with a WWI rifle but went to war with a WWII rifle. Old stuff is great for training.

    1. Colt still has a factory in Milton, so it would have to be tuned up with machinists, but it’s likely that the companies that make the required machines are either no longer around or owned by the chinese.

      Most soldiers won’t be issued pistols anyway.

      1. The Colt factory only exists because it gets $5,000 to produce $1,000 bolt action rifles for the Canadian Rangers. I forget what they got paid for the AR15 clones but it was maybe 5 times what the US Marines paid at the time. One thing to remember about Inglis that produced the Canadian Brownings. It made fridges, not guns.

  4. The CF, on orders of the LIE-berals who are horrified at the VERY THOUGHT of:

    1) guns – ANY guns; and

    2) a former CF gun – ANY former CF gun – being used in a crime and getting itself into the Evening News,

    – were never going to offer them to Canadians anyway; they were all to be burned and crushed. Mi’se well give them to the Ukrainians.

    And there’s a lot of history here, too. The P-35, the Browning Hi-Power (so-called because its mag can hold an insane (for the time) number of rounds) was John Browning’s last design. It was owned by Fabrique Nationale in Belgium (older CF members well remember our FN’s – well, that’s what FN stood for), and Belgians – and FN – knew the Germans were coming. So they smuggled the plans out of Belgium and sent them to Colt in the U.S. But Colt wasn’t interested, they were hard at work making all the M1911 .45’s the U.S. Military would buy, so they handed-off the plans to Inglis in Toronto. And that’s where all the Canadian Hi-Powers came from; they were our sidearm during WW2.

    Meanwhile back in Belgium, the Germans came. They put the FN plant back to work making Hi-Powers for the Wehrmacht; which resulted in the Hi-Power being the only major sidearm to be used by both sides in WW2. The Wehrmacht equipped their Fallschirmjaegers (their paratroopers) with Hi-Powers, and there were battles in France wherein Canadians and Germans were shooting at each other with Hi-Powers. Germans no doubt shot at Russians with them too; mi’se well give ’em to Ukraine so history can repeat itself once more.

    And that’s my major crying-point re: the CF Hi-Powers – some of them have WW2 history, and I would love to see them traced back and sold to collectors. But not with this government……

    1. L – Note there are no timeline comparative data sets released to the citizenry of:
      A. Home invasions. B. Car jackings. Even the data about armed robbery, attempted murder
      and murder are only publicly discussed in the context of policing and sentencing.

      No political party allows a dialogue with the citizens about a right not to be a victim of crime.
      Under British Common Law, citizens had a Right to Life and to Property, which entailed the
      auxiliary Right of self-defence of those Rights; this included the Responsibility to suppress
      crime and arresting criminals. Ironically, the first and most effective sanction against crime
      was listed as “the sanctions of society” namely moral teaching and shaming criminals.

      The shaming of criminals and the teaching of The Ten Commandments, was banished
      from public institutions by the judiciary decades ago. Cult. Marxism grants supreme power
      to the state and agents of the state. How is that working out for you?

    2. Of course there are parts available, considering that GIRSAN, TISA and Springfield armory are all building clones, and FN decided to resume production in 2022.

      If not for Trudeau’s gun grab, I still would have had a Singer and US&S 1911s.

  5. Okay, slightly OT but I also read the third letter down. Some idiot, Dick Ass(eline), whining about the tariffs on EVs.

    The second letter down had a great suggestion. Throw the pistols at the Russians.

  6. I think the barrels are so worn that they are now 9.42mm Brownings. The muzzle velocity of the standard 9mm ammo is around 10 meters per minute from the worn barrels. The powder just blows by, and the bullets tend to go about 2 meters before falling to the ground. /sarc?

  7. They are still good for their intended purpose, i.e., allowing politicians to claim they are providing military aid to the Ukraine.

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