6 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

  1. “How can she stage such a complete makeover—and contemptuously count on the voting public to be so easily deceived?”

    How? Easy. Her audience are dumb, remarkably easily influenced, (and oftentimes/maybe ‘generally’ products of the very ‘higher learning’ institutions that some (not all) of their parents have shelled out money/influence to have them ‘educated’), with absolutely zero idea about ‘actuality’. They’re ovine and can’t grasp that at best they’ll merely be sheared and at worst barbequed…..hey, maybe both.

    They likely won’t learn until they have personally experienced ‘pain’ (economically or otherwise), and even then will likely deflect from the actual source.

    I’m very low on optimism.

  2. It’s the two movie screens dilemma coupled with the reality that only about 10-20% are capable of recognizing BS and calling it out.
    I think Trump is making the right moves and using the tools he has available, excepting his debate performance.

      1. You’re both right.
        As for if KKKK’s campaign is succeeding, well, current indications are that it is.
        I would like to say “as predicted,” but I was hoping that I would have been wrong.

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