Follow The Science

Into the glitter bath.

This new paper in the peer-reviewed journal Feral Feminisms presents “femmegimp strategies for navigating and negotiating cultures of undesirability through the creation of queercrip p*rn and collective care.”

One such strategy is via “glitter bath,” which is where a femmegimp takes a bath infused with glitter in order to “bathe in femmegimp excess.” Creating p*rn from the glitter bath helps achieve “queercrip flourishing.”

The author discusses the “transformative pleasure in reveling in the excesses of femmegimp joy.”

Of course, the author also took pictures of her reveling in “glittery femmegimp joy,” which the totally serious peer-reviewed journal published (and which I have blurred).

11 Replies to “Follow The Science”

  1. So … we’re freaked out by microplastics … but it’s “therapeutic” to bathe in glitter? Yeah … and we’re putting THESE kind of freaks in charge of our governments

  2. Femmegimp?!? WT…!?! I’m too old to care about all this made-up crap.

    It’s like 4-year-old kids playing make-believe because mommy and daddy take care of their needs. So, they are pirates or princesses or femmegimps or whatever they want to be.

    If the GEBs (Globalist Evil Bastards) succeed and manage to crash the Western economies, this woman (Yes, woman. Let’s quit playing pretend.) will be too busy worrying where she will stay and what she can eat that this glitter bath crap will achieve its true importance; zero.

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