Let Them Eat Taser

Caught on video: Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic

Dr. Jay Varma, Former Senior Advisor for Public Health, NYC Mayor’s Office:

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it…I was running the entire Covid response for the city…we rented a hotel…we all took like, you know, molly[E*stasy/MDMA] … 8 to 10 of us were in a room…like just being naked with friends…”

“We went to some like, underground dance party… underneath a bank on Wall Street… We were all rolling…”

“This was not Covid-friendly.”

“I did all this deviant, sexual stuff while I was you know, like on TV and stuff…”

“The only way I could do this job for the city was if I had some way to blow off steam every now and then.”

21 Replies to “Let Them Eat Taser”

    1. But these are “secret, drug-fueled” sex parties, man. They’re cool. That poor black rapper was just too damn open and straight for his own good. Next time, save the advertising budget and spend it on blow instead, like a serious responsible professional.

    2. Yeah, P Diddy in same NYC fed lockup where Epstein spent his final days. Hope Diddy isn’t in Epstein’s old cell coz the cameras there don’t work.
      P Diddy didn’t kill himself.

      Were Boris Johnson and Downing Street gang’s get-togethers sex parties, too?

  1. “… if I had some way to blow off steam every now and then.”

    A couple of possible reasons:
    – The covid response was evil and he had to privately protest to protect himself. (unlikely)

    – He is evil, enjoying his power over others and had to show he was above his rules.

    The wrongness of what he was doing is what gave him joy.

  2. “…. like just being naked with friends…”

    How weird to you have to be to not realize how weird this sentence is? Holy crap.

    I’ve been a proponent for a long time that we need a return of tarring and feathering. This is example 1 of why.

  3. Varma or Diddy? Who parties harder?

    Regarding this clip, I’m stealing this line from – as I recall – an old American Spectator review of Chris Buckley’s novel “Thank You For Smoking” which said of the book, “whatever its other merits, it succeeds radically in making the utterly ridiculous look like itself”

    I suspect a total MSM media blackout on this story, just as we saw with all the James O’Keefe vids (who were the world more just, would have several Pulitzers by now)

    1. ! – not that hard to understand – the demorats aren’t the only ones who are compromised. The only possible explanation for the lengths that have been pursued to get Trump is fear of maleficence that may be exposed if control is lost. I fear he is a dead man walking.

  4. Every time you think you get a grip on how loathsome these people, somebody breaks open another sub-basement and something like this slithers out.

    Come back, Pizzagate! All is forgiven…

    1. Good point. The media tries to make it sound like a conspiracy, that you’re ridiculous for even saying it’s possible that something like that happened. If the truth comes out we’ll find out the media outnumbered the politicians in their pedo club.

  5. Dr. Jay Varma, a clown world denizen if I ever saw one, took the ticket long ago to climb up the ladder of success. His usefulness being at an end, he was outed by his masters so he could be offered as a sacrifice to appease the angry mob.

  6. Is anyone truly surprised that the people that front these agenda-driven scams are freaks when the cameras are off? No normal, well-balanced person could pretend there was actually a terrible threat to take away other peoples’ liberties and pressure them into getting poisoned when there wasn’t any danger whatsoever.

    Perhaps that’s why the trans agenda is now being pushed on the people – so that these perverts no longer have to pretend to be one of us anymore, and no longer have to hide in tunnels to be themselves.

  7. Ya’ll know “covid” was a lie right. Everyone who took the shots has a five to ten year window as a lab rat. Maybe you got the real stuff or maybe you didn’t. Check out the numbers from Finland. By the way, I never do links. I found it you can find it.

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