50 Replies to “September 19, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. The best part is that after thousands of pagers blew up they switched to walkie takies from the same supplier with predictable results. The culture of incompetence is a key reason why Arabs nearly always lose wars.

          1. At least they have enough brainpower to derive prosperity from oil. That’s a lot more than we can say about the Venezuelans or the Russians.

          2. Plus if westerners had not made it possible for them to get the oil. As usual the evil white man made them prosper.

    1. Do note that, according to LindaLowIQ here, the people who are doing it are the ones who have “a pretty good case for having god on their side”.

      I personally have no interest in destroying Russia and exterminating its population; I would much rather see it isolated from the civilised world to give the human-fancying pigs a chance to stand up for their obnoxious loud talk of being “self-sufficient” (and, obviously, fail miserably). I also would like to see all schweinie-loving UIs* in the West deported there, so that they could relieve the experience of late Russell Bentley, improving the genetic makeup of their countries of origin and the world.

      *Useful Idiots

        1. The countries from which Russia is now trying to get the high-tech stuff through contraband because they won’t sell directly.

    1. I know that the majority of Teamsters are supporting Trump, which is why the Union heads have decided NOT to support EITHER candidate! (chicken shits that they are.)
      But what about the UAW? How many UAW members are actually supporting Trump? If the union head is supporting KKKK, they must think that they have some kind of backing from the membership.

      BTW… has anybody seen the recent polls? KKKK’s lead is widening. I don’t know how many of these polls are fake (how could anyone know that?), but it’s because that the pollsters are pushing reports that KKKK’s lead is widening is reason enough to be concerned that Trump may be losing momentum. The timing is a bit troubling, 6 weeks before the actual election day.

      1. Flashback.
        Hillary Clinton will deliver an overwhelming victory over Donald Trump.

        Sadly, the effects of Democratic voter fraud are impossible to assess. Sadder yet is that Hillary is not in prison for treason.

        1. Fast-forward 4 years, and despite Trump doing even better than 4 years earlier, Biden still managed to siphon 81 million “votes,” which was even more than Obam-bam got in 2008!

          The dems are not going to let 2016 happen again, and they’re willing to do anything to prevent that from happening again.

      2. “reason enough to be concerned that Trump may be losing momentum. The timing is a bit troubling, 6 weeks before the actual election day.”

        Ridiculous BS like “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT” certainly doesn’t help. He needs to tone that crap down and be serious now.

      3. The polls are being faked so that when the steal occurs in November enough people will think that a KKKK win was plausible. It will also allow the in-the-tank media and other Democrat operatives to belittle any accusations of voter fraud.

    1. Hmm, well that is quite a few notches down from someone’s idea that she might be a possible “first woman” presidential candidate.

      She should find a better marketer for that less than healthy product, as the name is unmemorable. Livermore has lots of grapes, so if I lived there, I would just buy grapes for small children to eat and drink with water or milk.

      And wine for myself …

    1. I was idrinking with two Irish grad students, in the early 1980s, when a TV commercial came on with actors speaking with fake Irish accents. The two young men rolled their eyes, shook their heads and swore. Faking accents is beyond immature.

  1. “Japanese researchers have published a pre-print paper that warns about the risks associated with using blood from COVID-19-vaccinated people for blood transfusions and are calling on medical professionals to be aware of these risks.

    Additionally, to avoid these risks and prevent further contamination of blood products and resulting complications, they are calling for the COVID-19 vaccination programmes to be suspended.”


    “Suspend”. Unacceptable.

    All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

    Almost everything you think know is a fraud.

    1. Admittedly, I didn’t watch the entire video but from the premise, I would say that Greenwald’s analogy is flawed.
      US soldiers are not in an active state of war against China or Iran. Hezbollah are sworn enemies of Israel, seeking it’s destruction.
      As for Afghanistan, Yes, Soldiers were targeted, but that was an active war zone, so it was understood that these are the realities of war.
      I said earlier that the pager/walkie-talkie attacks are targeted attacks, and not indiscriminate, and so, I’m doubling down on that.

  2. The Entire Country must bend the knee to this POS – Block party leader.
    Watch him attempt to Destroy Western energy production.

    Long Long OVERDUE for Alberta/Sask to shut off the Entire Eastern part of the country from obtaining OUR Natural GAS. Blanchet can start his own Drilling Program – They have massive reserves of Nat Gas throughout Quebec.

    Any Nat Gas we in the West don’t need/use, can be shipped to Kitimat.


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