The Bought And Paid For Press

Blacklock’s- Lib Senator Edits Press Article

A Liberal-appointed senator says the government has a duty to correct media thinking.

Moncion, a former credit union CEO from North Bay, Ont., said she edited the press item as chair of the Senate committee on internal economy. The Senate was told she instructed staff to revise an August 21 commentary in the Ottawa weekly Hill Times that complained of Senate overspending. The Hill Times complied.

8 Replies to “The Bought And Paid For Press”

  1. The legacy media was already saturated with progressive, ignorant, and lazy Jacobins and Bolsheviks before the Spawn subsidized their employment. He didn’t need to buy them off. They were already in the tank. He just delayed their natural career path to putting downward pressure on the fast food labour market. As to the lack of outrage over the transparent control of the press by a Senator, the Eloi could care less as long as the vote-inspired free stuff keeps coming.

  2. One of the greatest threats to democracy today is the growing belief that government has the responsibility to correct misinformation among citizens.

    And not by rebutting that misinformation — which is fine — but through coercion.

  3. Like the stockmarket industry, journalists and media companies should have to write a disclaimer on their reports and opinion columns that details their conflicts of interest. This should all include wage subsidies, grants, affiliations with foundations/charities/think tanks/board/political organizations etc, and familial or romantic relationships. Most of the journalists in Canada have economic and relationship ties with the Liberal Party.

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