22 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Imam Sheikh Younus Kathrada is a harmless Moderate Muslim.
    He’s just speaking metaphorically.
    I’m sure he wants to live peacefully with The Jews, even the gay ones…

  2. I am so proud of myself for single handedly putting 2 gun-toting,gang-banging, POS Somali scum in jail for 4 years here in Toronto.

  3. The ‘muslims on trains’ article is another example of cowardly gutless pandering by what can only be the woke wacko leftists.

  4. OJ, that’s five sourced articles you’ve deleted already today that I shared.

    You are not immune from complicity by choice. You are doing here what Facebook and Twitter did to cautionary COVID info.

    This world is not what most people think it is.

    The state of Israel is not good. The regular people trying to live their lives, yes. But the state, absolutely not.

    1. The state is trying to keep their people alive. Read the koran and you will maybe gain some small understanding of why Jews are the target, your personal antisemitism aside.

        1. “All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

          What part of “all” is confusing?”

          The part where you enthusiastically support Hamas and Hezbollah, who brag about doing their very best to kill AS MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE as possible. And not just Jews, either: THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

          That’s quite confusing, Matt.

          1. Fred, you are reading things into my comments that are not there.

            I do not support Hamas. I have pointed out many, many times here: Hamas is at least partially controlled by Israel.

            “The Times of Israel
            Hamas: Israel’s own creation
            Dec 3, 2018

            …Just like the United States was funding the Taliban to fight in Afghanistan against the Soviets”


            Hamas is the enemy the state of Israel requires as justification to continue down this path.

        2. THERE are NO “innocents” within ISLAM.
          They are to a man, woman, indoctrinated Child…..PURE NAZI FILTH
          All 2.3 billion of them should be Eradicated.

          Are you aware that the 2nd best selling book in the Islamic world is MEIN KAMPF..??
          The Koran being # 1.

    1. Is there a source for that assertion? A press release? Any sort of official statement?

      Hamas is not good either. The regular people trying to live their lives, yes. But anyone saying they want to kill, absolutely not.

      ALL killing of ALL innocents everywhere must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

      1. Again, all killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

        What part of “all” is confusing?

        I have provided some large dots that should be trivial at this point to connect. Go back and read the things I’ve shared over the last little while.

        All of what we are witnessing is deeply interconnected by some very, very evil things. That is very difficult to see if one’s mind is compartmentalized as most peoples’ are.

      1. “One source from you would be nice.”

        He could give several, and it would make no difference to you. We have all seen what you do here when confronted with facts that you don’t like: you simply ignore them, as if they were never presented, and move on to the next deliberate smear against Jews. I think people have simply gotten bored with playing your game now, Matt…you were amusing for awhile but have become just tiresome now.

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