We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars

NY Post;

The auto industry is big business in Michigan, and a major round of layoffs is revving the election into high gear for industry workers in the critical swing state — who blame the Biden-Harris administration’s heavy-handed electric-vehicle mandates for the painful job losses.

Stellantis, which manufactures Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge vehicles, announced last month it will lay off 2,450 workers at its Warren plant. While industry jobs in the state have been declining since 1990, Michigan autoworkers explained to The Post why Team Biden’s green-energy rules are at fault this time.[…]

“Listen, you wanna buy an EV car? Great,” she continued. “But the autoworkers, the automakers know that we can’t survive because the infrastructure isn’t there on EVs. Nobody wants to buy them.”

Ford slashed more than 1,000 jobs at its Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn after drastically scaling back its production of the F-150 Lightning, an all-electric pickup truck.

“It’s the way that the government now wants to go,” Gordon said of the transition to EVs. “And they completely made the wrong decisions on it because if you look, Ford has lost a lot of money.”

Ford reported a $132,000 loss in the year’s first quarter on each of the 10,000 electric vehicles it sold — which was 20% fewer EVs than sold in the same period last year.

7 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. “The best-laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
    Gang aft agley,
    An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
    For promis’d joy!”

    – Robert Burns

  2. EV’s are a lose-lose proposition … lose customers. lose jobs. lose mobility. lose free market choices. lose sales. lose profits. lose another industry in North America … lose … lose … lose

  3. L – Ford lost $132,000 on each electric vehicle is sold. Shareholders, were they asleep at the wheel?
    They could turf the entire board of Directors and hire a competent C-suite. That would set a precedent.

    Some political analysis is that Marxists losing traction in thriving Western nations, switched to the Climate
    Crisis as a method of infiltrating institutions and gaining power. To keep that scheme unchallenged, they
    exploited the natural human search for meaning and made it a religious quest; which allowed them to label
    any skepticism or disagreement as a form of blasphemy, an insult their pagan deity Gaia. Over time it succeeded so well, it became a kind of Mass Formation Psychosis.

    Sacrificing human well being and humans themselves to pagan deities was forgotten, even suppressed.
    Marx’s main enemy was not capitalism. It was Christianity. One of the transition phases has been the
    animal rights movement lead by … the empty nester (childless) and single cat ladies.

    “O what a web we weave, when we practice to deceive”. Check for cobwebs in the minds of those you are considering you will trust with both your money and your governing institutions.

    1. So developing a new product line, tooling and manufacturing a new vehicle costs money, in this case more than $1.3 billion. It’s only a big deal because they didn’t sell worth a damn, selling only 10k vehicles, with no real growth after the first year of each vehicle.

      Also, one of the biggest shareholders is the Ford Foundation, and they are full in on the EV transition, since they were taken over by green lunatics long ago.

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