15 Replies to “Well, Rats!”

  1. That Librano rat has been infesting Montréal for a long time, way back Chretien time.
    A real full time lying, deceiving career politician…hell awaits such scum.
    There’s a reason he’s stepping down and it has nothing to do with serving his constituents well.

  2. One wonders why Mr. Rodriguez is sitting as an independent? (Just kidding).

    If this guy is critical of Justhin, his resigning could open the floodgates for others. The Laurentian powers-that-be would then want a Prime Minister Carney.

  3. The various libs jumping ship – this has absolutely nothing to do with any twinge of conscience.
    They have been on board with the totalitarian woke left wing agendas since Day 1.
    And they have not changed their ideology.
    They simply are aware that continuing to be aligned with JT, Freeland, and company will jeapordize their cushy jobs.
    They are still unaware woke socialist puppets.

    Please, please do not blindly repeat the mantra that “We must get rid of Justin” as if that will solve Canada’s many woes. It is not just JT. It is the entire left wing woke anti-Western ideology that infests the entire liberal party (as well as most others). It also is deeply imbedded in almost all gov’t agencies – education, courts, policing, health, military, social agencies, and so on. And the unaccountable academia and media. Especially the media.
    Mr Trudeau is not the cause of our demise; he is merely an ill-equipped figurehead for the endemic ideology that is the cause of our demise. This is a much bigger battle than simply the removal of one man from office.
    My fear is that JT will be turfed, much of Canada will breathe a sigh of relief, and we will get back to business as usual. Then those dedicated to the destruction of all that was good in Canada will do the same, and we will continue our slide into the Socialist Utopia they so self-righteously believe in.

    1. L – agreed, restoration of the “free and democratic society” our ancestors bequeathed to us
      is an info. war; the weapon that brought order out of chaos in our foundational myth is the
      Logos, freedom of speech. an inalienable Right.

      Our knight in shinning armour who represents this archetype is Elon Musk!
      Knights of the Order of the Logos, “Persevere and Prevail!”.

    2. Yes, that’s dead on! The system is set up so there is one fall guy and after he’s gone, Canadians can go back to sleep politically secure in the knowledge the nation is in good hands.
      As the great philosopher said,”it’s an exclusive club and you’re not in it”.

      We are lying to ourselves if we truly believe an election will make much difference, the Deep State is even more firmly entrenched in Canada than it is in the USA, and they’ll continue to run things just the way they like.
      Western separation would give us some breathing room for a few years, but unless we have a system of checks unheard of in any western nation, in a few years we’d be back to the same BS as we now endure, with different masters.

  4. Sure he’s “jumping ship” but just not quite far enough to stop the funds being paid to him for representing his constituents, who may have voted for him solely because he’s a #Librano

    I doubt he’d consider voting against any bills or procedures the #Libranos bring to the floor of the house.

  5. It’s a simple calculation of his chances at being elected as an independent or tarred with the LPC brand. In Quebec, they hate Canada so much that they will support Trudeau’s dumpster fire regime but are becoming uninclined to vote for them.

    1. Rodriguez is going to run for leader of the Quebec Liberal party, which he’ll probably win, and continue at a different trough.
      Liberals slide back and forth between the federal and provincial governments at will, think Christy Clark, Joyce Murray, and numerous others over the years.
      Then they have the gall to tell us they aren’t the same party!

  6. Obviously, he knows that staying in office with pension credits going up is good. Meanwhile, he is disengaging himself from Trudeau2 and will spend time job-hunting as a consultant or sucking-up to Carney, if not elected in Quebec. He can falsely claim that he settled the Air Canada strike threat too. I am sure he will say that he wants to spend more time “serving his constituents”.

    Trudeau will now HAVE to do a cabinet shuffle, as Transport is a very important ministerial position.


    Ontario – wake-up! Mark Carney is smarter by far and will ruin this country.

  7. If you hover over the link you will be able to read without actually needing to get into the article that he is planning to run for leader of the Quebec liberal party. How bad is Trudeau if Pablo feels he needs to quit the federal party to run for the provincial party?

  8. Pablum Rodriguez is too much of a coward to commit himself fully to running for the leadership of the Liberal party of Quebec. He should quit his seat in parliament to show his commitment to becoming leader of the QueLibs.

  9. Rodriguez is quebek scum. A grifter/slider who brings nothing to the table. His time as an MP was self serving suckling at the teat of this great nation. A traitor and enemy of Canada.

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