9 Replies to “And How Is Your Day?”

  1. So the ship sailed from Kandalaksha, Russia – Sea of Murmansk that was recently added as an ammonium fertilizer shipping port in a move called “desperate.” See below

    So it sailed 590 nautical miles and that’s it?

    ….and then it was supposed to go the Canary Islands off the West Coast of Africa and Sahara Desert? Ever been to the Canary Islands? I have and there is not much there as far as agriculture. A few banana trees on Tenerife and some resort hotels.

    “Experts have noted that a similar explosion from the Ruby could cause devastation comparable to the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, capable of flattening vast areas and causing widespread loss of life. This makes the ship a ticking time bomb as it drifts perilously close to sensitive infrastructure. ”

    The ship is registered in Malta – no/low taxation, BUT the owner of the ship is Syrian. You know the the nifty Muslim country run by ruthless dictators (Father and Son) for 53 years with close ties to Hezbollah and Iran.

    Obviously, nothing to worry about.

  2. That’s a lot of fertilizer. Ammonium nitrate is an oxidizer and for it to explode requires something volatile to oxidize. For an optimum explosion with a maximum detonating velocity of around 12,000 fps, you would need 1400 tons of fuel oil well mixed with it and a high explosive detonator. That magnitude of shock wave would probably have a several mile kill radius likely a similar magnitude to the Halifax Harbour explosion of 1917 estimated to be four times larger than the Beirut blast.

  3. The timeline since Norway booted the ship from Tromso;


    Headed to Lithuania but now the Lithuanians seem to be not so keen on having her near the country.

    Maybe the Houthis in Yemen might want the ship or maybe an Iranian port soon followed by a heat seeking missile from the IDF to set things off. Guessing even Hezbollah has learned its lesson on having this stuff in Beirut.

  4. Yup, park the sucker in Lithuania, Russians fire one missile into the boomb, and Lithuania is no more. Teach them to send their special opps type to help the Azov NAZIS.

  5. I have marine traffic tracker and the route forecast has The Ruby going between Copenhagen and Sweden on its way to Lithuania… a chokepoint by anyone’s definition.
    I’d bet the Danes and Swedes are just thrilled to have that pos go by.

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