24 Replies to “Deep Thoughts, by Kackala Handy”

  1. JOY! right?

    Just my take, but I’m getting the impression that the host is NOT filled with joy. And the producer is saying in her earpiece, “If you so much as move a muscle, you’re fired.”

  2. I LOVE it – everybody wants that. But knowing who’s mouthing these broad-brush, kumbaya-esque platitudes, I’m left cynically unconvinced that “her way” to get there will result in anybody ELSE getting there – or that them doing so, is even a priority for her. Her policies – the few she’s actually expressed – clash fatally with all-the-above.

    And I bet her audience was cherry-picked.

  3. Is anyone with an IQ over 90 impressed this whining, phony nitwit?!?

    I saw a meme the other day that sums up the current election cycle in America: “We’re voting for Trump because we love America. You’re voting for Harris because you hate Trump.”

  4. I wish we could have heard the question she was actually asked. The look on the host’s face (was that Oprah?) when she turned to the camera was priceless.

    1. But, but, but … those people have “dreams” … and “aspirations” … you know, Obama called them “Dreamers”. They all want a better life, and a better America where Kamala will GIVE them $50k to start a business! Doing their “art” and whatnot. She’ll even give them $6,000 to spawn a brown baby in America. Ohhhhhhhhhhh Mommaaaaaaaaaaa … what a caring, compassionate, champion of The People. Our FIRST true Dear Leader will save Democracy or something.

  5. Good grief. The Founders fought off the tyranny of King George for abortion rights and gun control? The clapping seals in that audience and the racist Oprah are utterly unburdened by any knowledge of history or civics.

  6. Oprah is hating her life right there. She’s thinking “I SHOULD BE THE ONE!!!!”

    Sorry Oprah, you are just the announcer on Capital TV from the Hunger Games. Read the script, smile, and stop thinking about choking the Vice President.

  7. That sounds like one of those wannabe inspirational Obama speeches but delivered by somebody who failed kindergarden. This woman was a prosecutor in California?

    1. My wife asked me how such an insipid, intellectual lightweight could attain and maintain such high offices. I told her that Kamala got elected … as a figurehead. She didn’t prosecute anyone or any entity … her staff did. She just went to meetings and had her underlings do all the actual work.

      She did nothing but smile, cackle, and give insipid word salad speeches. Just like every black Fire Chief, or Police Chief in America. Affirmative action, and the threat of being called a racist has FILLED our countries TOP governmental administrative offices with complete incompetents (or worse, outright Marxists) who have run our country into a ditch.

    2. Sounded almost like that swill she gave to the school children about the moon. Good God, what a moron. By the way, prosecutors are typically lawyers who couldn’t make a go of it in the private sector….and of course, there are FAR too many lawyers in the U.S.

    1. BTW … her political Party in CA have made lawns a dirty word and a despicable icon of suburbia. The State has jacked up the cost of water in a multi-tiered rate schedule that PUNISHES water use, and makes lawns unaffordable. It’s quite funny to me that she is USING the imagery of lawns to sell her FAKE “middle class” upbringing in upper middle class Berkeley, where her former home is unaffordable except to the ultra rich.

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