Hezbollah, Do Not Be Discouraged

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Yesterday Hezbollah had prepared hundreds of rockets from #Lebanon aimed at Israeli civilians, schools, and hospitals. Miraculously, just minutes before the launch…

7 Replies to “Hezbollah, Do Not Be Discouraged”

  1. I keep telling myself it’s not nice to be happy when your enemies get what they deserve. Unfortunately it’s not working.

    Report: Inside the building where Ibrahim Aqil was eliminated, there was a meeting between senior Palestinian officials and some senior Hezbollah officials. Apparently at least 12 such senior officials are being tossed in through those gates of hell Israel just yet opened again. May their martyrdom be a blessing.

  2. More Please….LOTS n LOTS more…!!!
    Israelites – Not Dumb.

    Sending Hamas/Hezbollah back to the Stone age – right where that GARBAGE Belongs.
    Utterly Brilliant..!!

  3. Kamala is frustrated and seething inside. She’ll show the Jews who’s REALLY in-charge. She and Rashida Talib will put this “right”. OTOH … Kamala is too wrapped-up in her joy and laughter campaign to be interested.

  4. I’m beginning to get the feeling that the Israelis are starting to get pi$$ed off.

    Pro tip to Hamas and Hezbollah: Don’t get them really, really mad at you.

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