6 Replies to “Live Now: Butler Trump Shooting Investigation”

  1. It doesn’t give anyone any assurance when apr the first 5 or 10 minutes of the actual statement from the podium is “blacked out” due to “technical difficulties.”
    (must be video equivalent to ‘redaction’)

  2. I saw the entire press report via the Benny Show.

    Nothing interesting said.

    Acting Director Rowe appears to have gone to the Kamala Harris school of How to make word salads and say nothing. But at least he didn’t say “oh Joy!”

    1. “I saw the entire press report via the Benny Show.”

      I LOVE Benny Hill! Did they do that chase scene with the theme music and all the women running after him?

  3. So far, all I heard was that the USSS was throwing it’s agents on site under the bus. I’ve heard NOTHING about how this detail could have “failed” Just a time line. But then, when the beginning of the statement was “redacted,” I can’t be sure what was said during that time.

  4. L – “…providing the highest level of security, since July 13th.” “July 13th was a failure.”
    Accepting responsibility for failure, it’s a start. One institution trying to regain credibility.
    Hopefully, this is a precedent… It’s a deep swamp. Loyal to the U.S. Constitution vs.
    those who aren’t. The process will be a measurement of patriotism and personal

    As for Canada, we’re waiting patiently, as the deep state continues to coil around the body politic.

  5. No one asked the 64-Million-dollar question: Why wasn’t the president stopped from taking the stage and kept in the holding room when the threat was identified?

    That entire “briefing” was yet another “Al Capone Safe” opening… a whole lot of nothingburger.

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