Show Me The Man

I’ll show you the crime;

I’m not a fan of RFK, Jr.

I remember some of his recent past, such as wanting to silence “climate deniers” and such, so I can’t support anyone who thought that was a good idea, even if he doesn’t now. After all, what other braindead, unconstitutional policies will he think is a good idea next?

But he’s not running for anything now. Now, he’s supporting Donald J. Trump.

And that makes him a target.

Some continue to claim, despite numerous prosecutions against Trump, that no one is weaponizing federal law enforcement against enemies of the Democratic Party. They say that the reason Trump is being investigated and prosecuted is because he’s a terrible person who did illegal things.

However, now RFK is under investigation, and it’s kind of hard to ignore now.

13 Replies to “Show Me The Man”

    1. Concerned..

      True that, as does Telegram creator being jailed in France…J6 Demonstrators etc.

      “..To say that the Democratic powers that be are scared is putting it mildly…” Well I don’t doubt that….they are not the top of the Globalist Totem pole. Their Lives are potentially on the line here as well…and they damned well know it.

    1. The foundation of a free society is you are not subject to abuse of power by government. Because you don’t like someone, doesn’t make it okay. And often ,it doesn’t matter whether the person is likeable, they only need to be a precieved threat to the finances, prestige or power of those in charge.

  1. I wonder if Kennedy is smart enough to have video of the allegedly one and only time he met with Nutzzi. You’d think that would be a no brainer.
    It smells like a set up, ala Blasey, not to get Trump but to get RFK, getting Trump is just a bonus. Note that this is within a week of the insinuation that Lara Loomer is too close to Trump.
    Not saying Kennedy is innocent, but the timing is sure convenient. Not sure it has legs with MAGA since it’s kinda baked into the cake.

    1. This Olivia Nuzzi story looks like a desperate grasping at straws. Apparently it was a “personal relationship” which was not “physical”.
      But even if it was, I would say he has good taste, just like Trump btw.
      Let’s compare all these RFKJr-Nuzzi blow out of proportion omgs from snake msmedia with Bill Clinton’s many trespasses which were all diminished/obfuscated/excused. Or how everyone is mum/crickets re how Kamala went down on Willie Brown so she could go up.

  2. The author, Tom Knighton, indicated the 2012 Town & Country article reports Kick saw her grandfather cut the head…story is already suspicious because Kathleen “Kick” Kennedy is RFK Jr’s daughter with his first wife, not his granddaughter. Smacks of the same style CNN hit piece as just revealed on Mark Robinson, Republican candidate for governor in NC, alleging that Robinson declared on a porno website that he was a black Nazi, supports slavery and enjoys transgender porn. CNN claims to have traced these posts, now more then a decade old, to Robinsons’ online pseudonym which of course, CNN uncovered . At the end of the piece CNN acknowledges Robinsons’ denial. This theme continues in the Status hit piece exposing an alleged Nuzzi- Kennedy relationship that in the final paragraph Status admits a Kennedy spokesman denied.
    Anyone who accepts CNN, Town & Country and Status as a remotely reliable source is just plain nuts IMO. Turns out their subscribers and viewers bear that out.

  3. Save The Whales! Even the dead whales. WTF!? Well … since NOAA is the Deep State’s #1 Global Warming shill … I’m not surprised.

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