14 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Our Fevered Planet”

  1. Doomed, I tell yaa..

    The truth is.. CO2 is the only emission that could be taxed evenly across our economy.. No plan B emission exists..
    The idea is not save the world but KICK CAPITALISM IN THE BALLS..

    And boy oh boy do we have a pyramid scheme of grifters going about that.. Who doesn’t want another level of green government over their heads.. Thats what they are doing..

  2. Even TurdO is calling it pollution now.. Another rename, rebrand.. Nobody likes pollution :).. Problem is, pollution was more or less solved in the 1980s.. It was, unless you live in a valley with 3 million cars stuck in traffic..

    Pollution is not a problem deserving drastic measures..

    If I were King, and I’m not.. Energy environmental rules would be tied to population density.. GASP, people out in the middle of nowhere could burn clean coal.. It exists.. People in small cities could burn clean natural gas.. It also exists.. And people living in valleys with 3 million cars stuck in traffic go nuclear..

    Sprinkle in your windmills and solar panels as you see fit.. And lets move on..

  3. Given all the hype the last couple decades, a quick glimpse of that graph would have you believe we should all be sitting under a half mile of ice.

    My brother has a masters in meteorology from the University of Chicago and consistently states the whole climate change alarmism is total BS. When he changes his mind, then maybe I’ll begin listening to these alarmists. Until then, anyone who tells me I need to completely change my lifestyle to “save the earth” can go, well, you know.

    1. Have you noticed that the people telling you the loudest to change your lifestyle to “save the earth”, tend to be wealthy, and haven’t given up their lifestyles?
      For example:
      – Trudeau
      – Biden
      – King Charles
      – Oprah
      – Bill Gates
      – Leo deCaprio
      to name a few.

  4. Based on fictitious numbers from fictitious times, can I get a politician to give me a tax break for a sweater? Ooopppss… please ignore this government financial encouragement post.

  5. Not to worry, this news and the data will soon be “corrected”. I mean, you can’t let people have doubts or differences of opinion about the settled science. Everyone knows that science, particularly climate science, is not not a place to debate ideas or present contradictory facts. /s

  6. World “average” temperatures:
    85 millions years ago – 95F
    Today – 50F
    I will give thanks to the Lord for Ice Ages the rest of my life.
    If you like Singapore or Manaus in the Amazon, then by all means move there.

  7. If your average guy comes up with a graph of millions of years whatever the highs and lows would be, he will be wrong most of the time, much like the scientologists is. It is what you may call, with much reservation, an educated guess, guess being the operative word. The difference is that you gotta believe the scientologist and the average guy, not.
    The only difference is that the scientologist adds his word salad and you better believe it or you are all sorts of nefarious thing.
    If the average guy has a gift of word salad he may sound as good as the scientologist.

    Therein is the difference.
    Other than that a bullshit is a bullshit, scientolgist or an average guy.

  8. We worry about illiteracy, but haven’t noticed that decades of intentional dumbing down of education has also raised entire generations of innumerates.

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