Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

The UN is a Joke.

On Wednesday, the United Nations General Assembly showed us all, for the umpteenth time, what a sewer it is. This time, as is often the case, it’s Israel that finds itself the target of the bloated grifting bullies, I mean diplomats. An insane resolution that in effect denies Israel its right to self defense passed overwhelmingly (124 – 14, with 43 abstentions). The resolution calls on the IDF to withdraw to pre-1967 borders within 12 months, and also calls on member states not to sell arms or military equipment to Israel that would be used in Gaza, the West Bank, and east Jerusalem. It calls for a boycott of all Israeli products produced over the pre-1967 lines.

For any masochists out there, here’s a copy of their diligent taxpayer funded work.

Yes, we are.

8 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. The UN is a joke, but it’s not funny anymore.

    BTW, sanctions are just a way to skim more money. Remember the Iraq oil embargo and the Food for Oil program? Every sanction is just an opportunity for the UN to stick its hands in another cookie jar.

    GEBs – pick any or all that apply
    Globalist Evil Bastards
    Greedy Evil Bastards
    Government Evil Bastards
    Grifting Evil Bastards
    Grafting Evil Bastards

  2. Will the UN be sending in “peacekeepers” to southern Lebanon (and for probably more than 1400 years) after Israel is denied the right of self defence?

    I think Israel should formally annex all the lands which it has conquered after being attacked. Empty those fields of their inhabitants, send them to Jordan or Syria, and give away those lands to any farmer who may want it. Including the South African farmers being slow rolled into non citizens by their government.

    The next time Gaza’s terrorists attack, move the formal border 1 kilometre south, the next time, move the border another kilometre south. Eventually it is possible they’ll understand that message. No water moved from Israel, no gas supplied from Israel, no electricity supplied from Israel, no jobs sweeping the streets in Israel from lands which would attack her.

  3. Ethnic cleansing used to be frowned upon, now it’s our government policy thanks to the national socialists in the NDP/Liberal Party.

  4. This feels like one of those times when the UN has bitten off more than it can chew. Rome probably ended pointing fingers.

  5. Can you imagine how the UN would vote … if most Christians in the world were relegated to a single nation? Yeah … you KNOW how they would vote.

  6. All these clowns know that the terms are completely unrealistic. But then again, you let “Palestine” get a de facto seat at the UN, you get that insanity.

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