9 Replies to “Oop’s”

  1. “look at that fast increase in the last few hundred years, it’s deadly!”
    “What I see is that it was the coldest in 500 million years until a little warmth is coming back in. We’re still way colder than the average.”

  2. Global warming/climate change/climate emergency (what’s next climate Armageddon?)
    Is the number one most successful lie of all humanity. It is not mere junk science, it’s never been scientific, it is an instrument of massive fraud and systematic destruction of the middle class on a planetary scale.
    If I had one proposal for Trump it would be to have a televised inquiry with only reputable scientists from all over the world…no Gore or Greta’s.
    Expose the lie, free the world that matters.
    Western civilization will never go back to normalcy until then.

      1. Metalguru,
        Did you nail that, or what?!
        Pray that it is exposed and maybe, just maybe, enough sheep will get red pilled to get mad and reclaim their surrendered aspirations to remain, or attain, a middle class status.

  3. That they claim the granularity to make the unprecedented rate claim in 485,000,000 year reconstruction tells anyone with a hint of objectivity that this is pure activism without science in any form.

  4. But what happened to the ice-ages??? The scale compression on the time axis seems to have made them disappear, except for maybe the most recent one.

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