5 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. I see this and I wonder, why are we not rioting in the streets? Our “leadership” has sold us out. They should be hanging in town square. Treasonous bastards.

  2. Just so I’m clear. Someone was caught doing something and was labeled a “threat to national security.” Who and what did they do?…is my first question, because we have seen what the Trudeau labels as a “threat to national security” in the past, and I can’t say I’m in agreement with some of those designations (i.e. Emergency Act instituted on truckers).

    Secondly, if you have identified someone as a legitimate threat to national security, why would you destroy that individual’s files? The natural response is to secure those files, build on those files, and use those files to improve future security. Why destroy them? Who destroyed them? What was the purpose for destroying them?

    I guess I’m kind of lost in the whole basis for the displayed behavior.

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