13 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

    1. Not if you hook it up to a resistor and park a normal thermostat next to it…

      Smart thermostats not mandatory yet where I live, but I have made preparations. >:D

  1. Turn off your air conditioning.
    No charging your EV.
    Shut off your electric water heater.
    No running your microwave or dishwasher.
    Only one 60w LED light allowed.
    No hair dryers or vacuum cleaners.
    No charging rechargeable devices.

    Who needs these massive data collection centers when everyone is sitting in their 8′ x 8′ concrete block apartment, in the dark, eating zee bugs, and unable to go anywhere? What data is there to collect?

    1. Impure thoughts, of course. Somebody might not be thanking Big Brother loud enough for those bugs.

      Once they get going, there’s no bottom for those people. They will hit bedrock and start blasting to find new depths to sink to.

  2. Come on guys, freezing in the dark is the ever shoulder shrugging, oh well, Canuck’s favorite sport…at least there no church to go to with the religion of climate change…not yet anyway.
    Turn down your thermostats so we can accumulate enough carbon credits so our PM travels south this winter or more importantly, he meets with a delegation for yet again another climate conference…

  3. “While there were no recorded deaths following the meltdown, the incident dealt lasting damage to the public perception of nuclear energy. ”

    Jane Fonda had a lot to do with that “damage” with “The China Syndrome”

    1. Always wondered about the timing of all that. Film took on the order of 24 months to make and the “accident” happens just as it is released? Did someone just want the US nuclear industry shut down?

  4. PG&E runs constant advertisements… that I pay-for with usurious multi-tiered energy rates … scolding me to CONSERVE energy. Constant. Scolding. Why? So they don’t have to build new power plants to meet the needs of the people. The “plan” is to curtail your energy use – period. To freeze and swelter you into compliance.

    But would they DARE scold Big Tech? Don’t be silly.

  5. ((While there were no recorded deaths following the meltdown, the incident dealt lasting damage to the public perception of nuclear energy.))

    TMI was another one of those “never let a crisis go to waste” type moments. The anti-nuclear crowd and their media cohorts blew the entire event out of proportion. There were safety mechanisms in place in the event that this very specific incident occurred. They worked.

  6. This is a weird precedent. A corporation purchases a source of power. Only they can use that source. I can think of disturbing ways this precedent can be abused, especially as the brown outs increase in certain states.

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