We Have A Dream

Geoffrey Moyse- British Columbia could disappear under a sea of Aboriginal title

Below is the sixth of several outstanding opinion pieces about indigenous land claim issues in British Columbia that will be posted without a paywall over the next few weeks.

All are written by Geoffrey S. Moyse, K.C., a retired senior lawyer who served as legal counsel to the Province of B.C., advising six successive governments on aboriginal law matters over more than 30 years.

His writings rebut the current NDP provincial government’s indigenous land ownership and use policies.

9 Replies to “We Have A Dream”

  1. Hongcouver property owners might get more than a little upset after they went through all the trouble of ripping off the communists at their own game and investing in a so-called safe space…

    The asians may ride to the rescue of the stupid guilty whites, or they’ll jump past that and simply take advantage of the ‘indigenous’ winners themselves and cut out the stupid…

  2. For 20 years, the goal has always appeared to be to turn BC into a giant park, with NOTHING allowed to happen outside of cities and towns.
    No fishing.
    No hunting.
    No logging.
    No mining.
    No drilling.
    No industry whatsoever.
    Because, ABOs.
    If anything does get allowed, they want their VIG which only acts as a deterrent, negating any profitability of any enterprise.
    Hence, the desire of the ENDP to gladly give it all away. That’s reason enough to toss them out of office, albeit, there are a a hundred other reasons.
    The natives can’t even run their own affairs, what with unelected and ‘elected’ councils, and, having to beg to whitey gubmint when they can’t control their own drug addicted population.
    That’s NOT who you cede societal decisions and authority to!

  3. Vancouver Island would certainly be a nice scalp, given that the island is chockfull of smug, preachy, NDP voting, retired “educators” who have more money than God thanks to taxpayer funded pensions.
    Start walking the talk, Trotsky.
    Won’t happen but it’s nice to dream.

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