16 Replies to “Enemy Of The People”

  1. The average brain-dead Kanadian will accept Crap TeleVision’s report as absolute gospel. The majority of Kanadians truly do wish they lived in East Germany.

  2. The Tories could end this controversy in a split second by promising to repeal the Liberal’s socialized dental care scheme the moment they are elected. Unfortunately, I doubt that’s going to happen.

    It was precisely these kinds of cave-ins by conservatives that gave us medicare in the first place.

  3. In a year, this’ll seem like nothing. Media will start using entirely fabricated deepfakes, showing PP eating a live puppy while dressed as Hitler. If mainstream media were eventually exposed as space aliens that were trying to destroy humanity, it would be less surprising than the sun rising in the east.

  4. This is just another example why I keep saying that CTV (and Global btw) are worse than CBC. At CTV there’s still Joy Malbon, reporting from US – she should have been fired back when Lisa LaFlamme got the boot. She’s a lying witch, certainly far from any ‘joy’, and with chronic TDS. Also, Judy Trinh which is new, has no talent but she’s eager to climb the ranks through Liberal boot-licking.

  5. This is very serious. They actually fabricated a quote by stitching three parts of a speech together to make a sentence that was never uttered. They lied about what is being said in the House of Commons. This isn’t an error; it’s deliberate.

    The CSBC is a good step, but that has no teeth. This needs to be pursued in court before the election.

  6. I wouldn’t give CTV the steam of my piss.
    And that’s what PP should give them – a contribution from every person who knows what they are.

  7. Would this be considered misinformation or disinformation? I guess there should be fines or charges considering the Liberals say misinformation and disinformation are serious crimes. CTVs subsidies should be removed, at the very least. /s

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