26 Replies to “It’s Not Fair”

    1. Corporate welfare bums are the worst. What’s even more ludicrous is that Canada’s major corporations are shielded from competition by the government (banks, airlines, telecoms, marketing boards) which results in higher prices for Canadians. Now these same corporations, that are basically government protected cartels, want more money, tax credits, “investments” and subsidies from taxpayers.

      Taxpayers just can’t get a fair shake in Canada – what the corrupt government doesn’t steal, the corporate welfare bums steal. Then there’s the charity welfare bums, foreign aid welfare queens,international organizations like the UN, bloated government employee numbers, etc.

      Canadians could pay a lot less taxes if these unnecessary burdens were removed. We get very little value for the amount of taxes paid. Time for serious tax reform and spending reform.

      1. Excellent comment LC,and deadly accurate.
        Cleaning this situation up is a lot more important than defunding the CBC, but unfortunately, neither major political party will touch this issue with a ten foot pole. Our political parties love this as the Bigs in each industry contribute heavily to both the Liberals and CPC.

        $8 for a 4 liter jug of whole milk here at IGA, $3.47 for a U.S gallon at Omak Washington Walmart. We pay roughly $2 a liter, they pay about $1 per liter. All the other items you mention are half the price we pay when there’s competition as in the USA.
        I’d bet a Zimbabwe dollar Rogers gets what they want.

        1. As much as I am hoping for change after the next election, I’m afraid that even if the turd’s government is booted out, not much will change.

      2. The waste of taxpayer money is almost incomprehensible. In my opinion, not a single dollar of taxpayer money should go to corporations, “charities”, foreign aid or paying welfare for foreigners to live Canada until every Canadian has a doctor, healthcare is reformed to eliminate crazy waiting lists, roads and infrastructure is world class, government can provide services in a timely manner,houses are affordable, and we get better police service/courts/new jails. ..Canadian taxes should go towards the needs of Canadians, not to the government’s pet projects, activists, corporations, political buddies, friends, foreigners, etc.

        Canadian taxes should benefit Canadian citizens.

    2. A monopoly desiring a free and deeper trough. Why not open the field to competition?

      Whoever is most successful at delivering product and service, survives.

      To hell with rest.

      Not one cent of welfare for such dreadful mismanagement.

  1. They’re all putting on their red heels, leather mini-skirts, and lipstick. The lamp-posts outside 24 Sussex are getting pretty crowded.

        1. Nahhh. I’m referring to 24 Sussex. It may be empty right now, but everybody associates it with the PM. That’s whom they’re lining up for.

  2. Rogers now owns:
    Toronto Maple Leaves
    Toronto Raptors
    Toronto Argonauts
    Toronto FC
    Toronto Marlies
    and is angling for an NFL team.

    So of course, give them $1 billion in tax credits, maybe make it $2 billion.

    Also, I think it’s going to be 100 years before the Toronto Maple Leaves win the cup now.
    Rogers knows where their dinner is hanging, and there’s no business case for the Leaves to make it past their traditional first round losses, hopefully “in 7” lol…

  3. These lying sobs at Rogers have a nationally protected monopoly in Canada which they share with Bell and Telus. Outside competition is prohibited thanks to the CRTC. And they want a subsidy?

  4. L – As a federally regulated media, they bend the knee to the Trudeau Liberals Cult.-Marxist
    narratives about gender, race, colonialism, Covid Lockdowns/Mandates and censorship.

    Was allowing them to takeover Calgary based Shaw good for Westerners or free speech
    and the survival of Canada as a self-governing nation-state?

  5. oh, look, more corporate welfare. imagine my shock.
    will PP stop this? no, the PC party caved to it long ago for the nice kick backs and lovely propaganda rewards.
    cut your cables, throw away your stupid phones, take a nice walk outside.

  6. Rogers is absolutely the worst company ever hapen to this coutry.
    The scumbags swallowed Shaw, screwed everybody with higher rates and now want free money.
    Fascist scum.

    They need to be broken up into little, little pieces.

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