Lockdown Hangovers

The economic damage caused by the lockdowns was bad enough and obvious to most, but there’s another side to that travesty that is less talked about.

The lockdown babies are now starting school, and the impact of their extraordinary early days is stark. “There’s a school in Birmingham where more than half the children entering [Reception] were still wearing nappies,” says Paskins. “Before the pandemic there might have been one or two. Now more than half have that developmental delay, and what that means in terms of how children are able to learn and function.”

The other thing that was really bad about Covid and the lockdown was that we were threatened with the idea that if we passed it on to somebody, we’d almost be responsible for their death. It just made life so miserable.”

She adds: “A lot of people have never really quite recovered. I would say it took me at least two years, and even now lots of my friendships are impacted.”

6 Replies to “Lockdown Hangovers”

  1. I know a few “kids” (older teens) that are germaphobic now. Wipe their computers, books, phones, eveverything when they come back from school.

    1. So sad especially because there is no covid.
      I’m 67 never vaxxed, I take no precautions, I’m not super healthy, nor am i on a diet of Vitamin D and Ivermectin. Plus I have jeen exposed to what must be thousands of people. Yedlt I haven’t had so much as a sniffle.

  2. Kids of school age not toilet trained? (Among other bizarre things.) Blame the Covid lockdown? No, blame their idiot parents.

    1. That was my first thought. My kids were all totally toilet trained by age 2, long before any thought of school. Useless parents.

      1. No worries. These young kids identify with toilet-trained 5-year olds that don’t befoul themselves, so it’s is all good.


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