Take That Putin

National Post- First submarine in new Canadian fleet won’t be operational until 2037, navy confirms

Even though Blair stated that information is now being gathered the project will take 13 years to actually deliver an operational submarine. Canada doesn’t expect to have initial operating capability for the first sub until 2037, according to the briefings. The Royal Canadian Navy does not have an idea at this time when the entire fleet will be available.

34 Replies to “Take That Putin”

  1. TRANSLATION: “More like 20 years. Er, could be more though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Might make it say, 25 years (aka “a quarter century”). Let’s be honest here though – it may never be finished. Ackchoowahlee – we have no interest in finishing this thing. Providing for the national defense is seriously unwoke, so yeah – it ain’t gonna happen. Did I mention we hate the country and that we’re all communists?”

  2. LIEberals will be out of power next year, so these frivolous expenditures can be changed/altered/cancelled.
    Would we not be better off contracting our Muracan neighbours to build what we need, from existing blueprints, in less than half the time?
    What is it with the Lieberals and their constant need to reinvent wheels?

    1. I wonder if it’s more of a “Americans are smart enough not to let the Chinese have access to their military tech” thing.

  3. Never answered is why we don’t invest in Nuclear Powered Submarines, given they can stay under the ice for much longer periods of time. I’m sure we could have taken the Aussie route and bought some from the Americans, even if it’s older ones that they are decommissioning.

    1. Ideology. “No nuclear weapons in Canada”, even though we’re talking about power sources. Because some people are literally so stupid they can’t make that distinction.

      I mean, I suppose I could be wrong, but…

      1. Yup. Decades ago Ottawa council passed a motion declaring the city a nuclear-free zone.

        Imagine the inconvenience that caused the Ruskies and the chicomms when they had to reprogram their ICBMs . (eye roll)

    2. you think they wont rip us off more than the brits and the last purchase , where they forgot to tell us to close the hatch when in rough seas.

      1. Russia has +6 of those, remember this when Canada declares arctic sovereignty or other such nonsense.

        I doubt the much vaunted Canadian Rangers and their excellent quality Sako / Tikka T3 designed by the Finns because Canada can’t build diddly squat rifles will defend against anything actually “coming over the top”

    3. Well
      They do have to be maintained and refueled

      We don’t have the capability to refuel a nuclear vessel but our closest ally next door does.
      Sort of narrows it down where we would be buying them
      And it wouldn’t be Irving shipyards, or one in Quebec.

  4. I mean come on, there’s never going to be a threat that we need a submarine for anyway. Buy some new jets for the Snowbirds and shut up.

  5. I recall something from history class about how Britain desperately needed munitions and the US initiated a lend -lease program.

    Something like that would get us some boomers within a year.

    But we would have to forgo that regional benefit program, so sorry, must save the PET legacy even at the expense of national defence.

    1. To counter the Saskatchewan River Pirates!
      Well you think the locals farmers would know that I’m at large
      But, just the other day I saw an unprotected barge
      I snuck up right behind them and they were none the wiser
      I rammed their ship, and sank it, and I stole their fertilizer!
      A bridge outside of Moose Jaw spans a mighty river
      The farmers pass in so much fear, their stomachs are a-quiver
      Because the know that TRACTOR JACK! is waiting in the bay
      I’ll jump the bridge and knock them cold and sail off with their hay!

    1. Not that buying from the Brits went so well the last time, the reason we bought the four Upholder submarines in the first place is because the Brits built these diesel subs and then decided to go all nuclear for its sub fleet. So any used Brit sub would be nuclear. Which we should be building, anyhow. The Aussies are.

    1. The way this is going, they will be meatball subs with spicy sauce.

      (Which they will design, underwrite and build their own nationalized sandwich shops, neglecting all the available shops now in use. So 2037 sounds about right)

  6. They’re just kicking the project down the road to give SNC Lavabo time to come up with plans for a solar-powered u-boat.

  7. The requirement that all DND equipment must be manufactured in Canada adds huge costs because there are so few Canadian firms capable of undertaking such work and the production runs are so tiny.

    We could buy equipment much more cheaply and faster if we purchased off the shelf from foreign suppliers but then the donations for Irving shipyards would dry up.

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