3 Replies to “Trust The Experts”

  1. Oddly ironic that that use of the expert opinion was used once on an ex-AG (or at least the promise of) “get some positive op-ed from an ex-supreme court justice”

  2. Pretty much everything the government says is BS. From the NOAA hurricane forecasts to the EIA energy outlook and everything in between. Rather large cottage industries have grown up around providing the truth around things like economic activity, long range weather, industrial demand, etc.

    What’s worse is that we pay through the nose for all this BS and the bloated bureaucracies that spout it.

  3. The problem with sanctioning everybody we don’t like is that eventually, they find a way around us. Right now we are sanctioning Russia to the point that they no longer worry about any threat of future sanctions, and are getting along just fine, we are threatening China with sanctions, but let’s be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that sanctions against China will hurt us just as much, we already would have done it.

    The rest of the world is busy building a new economic system, which may not be as convenient, at first, as just using the dollar and SWIFT, they don’ have to worry so much if they, or one of their significant trading partners falls afoul of DC, either by doing something that they strongly believe is in their interests but Washington doesn’t like, like Russia, or if they just have something that Washington wants, like an island in the Bay of Bengal, like Bangladesh.

    Remember when Pakistan removed and imprisoned their leader, Imran Kahn, for “revealing state secrets” by revealing that a cable was sent that said “If you don’t remove Imran Kahn from office, there will be severe consequences to Pakistan. – Your friend, The US.”

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