21 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. Is the bill going to the people to vote for? Is there going to be a complicated clause that requires a supermajority to actually amend it?

  2. The bill has no teethe in law. She’s just pandering to her lunatic whacko supporters. And it annoys a lot of reasonable people

    Her political senses are weird.

    Brad Wall would never do something dumb like this.

      1. Freedom, individual rights plus bodily autonomy and medical rights. My question is why isn’t the Saskatchewan Party adding bodily autonomy and the right to refuse medical procedures without discrimination in our provincial bill of rights? The Saskatchewan Party’s policy of segregation and discrimination based on vaccine status was a violation of human rights, they should admit and correct their error in judgment.

    1. You’re correct. The bill has no teeth. There’s no short cut around paramountcy. Plus, they seem to have not thought about existing case law and active changes made by recent UCP bills.

      The existing property rights clause in the Alberta Bill of Rights is mostly tested against bylaws for land use planning at municipalities. Interestingly a strengthened property rights clause would probably end-run the province on solar installation limitations on private land (or engender substantial payouts). All this with no plan to overcome the constitutional reality of environmental law and regulations.

      Enumerating gun rights in AB will be wiped out by the Federal Fire Arms Act (which is paramount over any AB law) https://decisions.scc-csc.ca/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/1794/index.do

      This is not the win the gun rights proponents think it is. At best it’s political theatre. At worst is solidifies the anti-gun vote in the cities and reduces the capacity of the right to win in urban Alberta.

      However, the Left will be pleased that addicts will have new grounds to decline or request new forms of health care – including declining detox stays.

      I believe in rights, but this is not gonna do what people think it will do.

      1. Agreed to all of that. But any court decision based on the Charter or the Constitution can be set aside by the Notwithstanding Clause.

      2. Sure there is a short cut around paramountcy. Just ask Quebec. And as for gun rights, remember when Quebec was going to start up its own gun registry after the gong show from Ottawa cratered? They did so by saying guns are “property”….which is within provincial jurisdiction.

  3. One can hope anybody who votes NDP/Liberal/Green/or has “progressive” values who have moved to AB, because the benefits outweigh what they experienced in their previous home provinces, will move back. Please move back and you can ‘Karen’ to your heart’s content.
    Any long term Albertan who feels like the LLB above can move as well.
    Your anti-human ideals are not appreciated in Alberta.

    Albertan born (& raised in a socialist home) who thankfully saw the light in my early 20’s.

  4. But the LLb. does bring up a serious issue; does the Bill have any legal weight or will it be nullified by the Federal government or the Courts?
    Bodily autonomy also guarantees a woman the right to an abortion.

    Sounds good, but does it make any difference?

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