13 Replies to “More Dead Dinosaurs”

  1. L – Trudeau gov,t. censorship has eviscerated talk radio to largely tokenism. Serious
    discussion now happens on podcasts and X. The dinosaur media killed off finally by
    Trudeau Tyrannus Rex, also about to go extinct…

  2. That’s a weird article. “Fired” seems an odd word to use unless there was cause. The usual terminology is “let go.” Secondly, their revenue is up 13% from last year at the same time. It looks to me lake a format change, probably reflective of the interests of the listeners. Canning four people from a company that makes $89 Million annually doesn’t seem indicative of hardship.

    1. 3 of their remaining 11 listeners that tuned in and LIKED the propaganda had died. So, it was time to pull the plug, Orson. More money for bonuses at the top.

  3. What was the political leanings of the station? Soros is pushing mass buyouts of radio stations in the US, and they are seeking to circumvent regular FCC process to do so. It was discussed on Levin’s show today. As a matter of fact a big station in Philadelphia dropped his show. Probably unrelated, but I’m curious

  4. Qr770 in Calgary is pretty much unlistenable these days.
    The morning guy out of Edmonton is a closet NDP/ unionist who won’t admit it (and thinks he’s funny and cool)
    And the afternoon guy in Calgary thinks his only job is to tear conservatives apart so that he can stay employed. When talking about socialists and liberals he has become much less critical over the years. Probably because he likes his paycheck more than he liked his principles way back when .
    Oh well. They can have em.

  5. I think when that guy who used to be a conservative was appointed to the Senate by Shiny Pony the final nail was hammered into the coffin of radio as I knew it. I haven’t listened to it in years. When I did we had great commentators. Guys that knew how to run shows. Guys that attracted listeners from all over. Think Rush or Lowell. They were smart and funny.
    No longer.
    I stopped listening a long time ago. When I travel all over Ontario doing what I do, I listen to Sinatra, Bennet, or whatever I want. If I have a companion we talk, look at the passing scenery. The trip goes by a lot more pleasantly and we bond. No Facebook needed.
    Radio and network TV have killed themselves off. Good riddnace. Pretty hard to peddle conventional wisdom to the masses when nobody listens or watches.
    Turn it off folks. Screw them.

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