“the Board of Directors of SIGA Technologies terminated Dr. Jay Varma, effective immediately”

Sorry guys. We didn’t make the new rules, but those are the new rules.

“Varma boasted about harassing people into submission over the vaccine mandate and admitted to participating in illegal sex parties, all while he, former Health Commissioner Dr. David Chokshi, and then-Mayor Bill de Blasio imposed draconian measures that shut down the entire city,” the Queens Democrat said.

“The hypocrisy is outrageous.”

Varma’s seamy chats — which included him boasting, “I did all this deviant, like sexual stuff,” and, “I had to be kind of sneaky about it … because I was running the entire COVID response in the city” — were made public last week by conservative podcaster Steven Crowder.

9 Replies to ““the Board of Directors of SIGA Technologies terminated Dr. Jay Varma, effective immediately””

  1. Besides all of the creepy stuff, Varma is one of the most loathsome “healthcare” officials in recent memory. I’m not sure if evil spirits can inhabit a human body, but researchers should be looking at Varma to find proof.

    1. But … Diddy is the one languishing in jail … just waiting to commit “suicide” … as soon as the cameras all malfunction again, and the guards fall asleep.

  2. Perhaps there should be a special class of crime that applies when a crime is committed that involves the use of the state against its citizens.
    This would cover the Hitlers and Stalins of the world.
    It would also cover health officials where the apparatus of the state is placed in their hands and the normal functioning of the government is overridden.
    It would also apply to Trudeau during the Trucker’s Convoy.
    It would be very telling to learn who would object to the new crime type.

  3. Power savouring perverts reside EVERYWHERE…Particularly in positions of Legal Governmental power which they almost ALWAYS abuse.

    Covid was a dream come true for so many…allowing their inner basest of instincts to come out n play God. Were we to actually go after Every One of them….I doubt there’d be enough Hemp on the planet.

    I’d Start with FAUCI, Hoetz & and few others…

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