The World Is In The Very Best Of Hands

5 Replies to “The World Is In The Very Best Of Hands”

  1. Once again, it is proven that the civil services of both Canada and the United States are “make work” programs for “less than special” people.

  2. Remember how Israel had the Stutnex gifted to Iran?

    Through porn servers in the towns close to where Iran is building its uranium centrifuges.
    Those controllers for the centrifuges weren’t even connected to the internet, but the gift inside those nude photos and videos the Iranian researchers brought back from the surrounding towns did the work.

    Some researchers have said the Stutnex was first in the area from 2007, it’s not like what’s occurring in D.C. is something that just happened this month, or this Admin. People have been looking at nude folks since … since at least those statues in Rome and Greece were built.

    Human nature 1, security of your servers 0

  3. Zero sympathy for these cretins, as about 90% of them are only in government to serve themselves and not the people.

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