5 Replies to “They’re Not Crap?”

  1. Airstreams are definitely not crap, but they are not for everybody.

    You have to really, really understand what you need and want in a trailer, and Airstream isn’t the answer to everything.

  2. Speaking of American companies rooted in the 1950’s design and quality? I am a true devotee of McIntosh audio equipment. And I LOVE their TUBE equipment … speaking of the 50’s. I own a pair of MC-275’s monoblocked into my sweet Spendor SP-100’s … thin walled TEAK speakers. It’s a lovely system … and yes … the entire system is McIntosh … all the way to my MT-10 turntable.


    And yes, I can sell any piece of my McIntosh equipment for MORE than I paid for it.

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