Where Do I Donate?

National Post;

The Parti Québécois (PQ), headed for government, is promising another referendum. The gathering storm demands attention.

In the 2018 Quebec provincial election the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) handed the PQ an historic defeat, reducing it to just 10 seats. The decades-long debate over Quebec’s place in Canada was widely assumed to have been settled, at least for this generation. But six years later the PQ is ahead in polls and its charismatic young leader promises to hold a referendum on sovereignty if elected. If an election were held today, the PQ would likely form a majority government.

28 Replies to “Where Do I Donate?”

  1. If the federal parties had any brains, and this applies to all of them, they’d be studying the breakup of the Czech Republic and Slovakia to see how to do this with a minimum of friction, instead of pretending that Quebec separation is the end of the world.

    1. Canada doesn’t belong in the G7 anyway, and besides, don’t we hear that the G20 where it’s at? A Quebecless Canada would still belong to that. And we’d be able to make much firmer assertions about our identity: An English-speaking country that relies on common law and values the individual more than the “collectivity” (we could purge that word from our dialogue!) and values private property and individual freedoms.

    1. We keep Rupertsland and the Cree. That was a condition of Quebec joining confederation and the Cree have had their own referendum and they want to stay in Canada.

  2. And yet somehow Quebec would still be given handouts from the rest of Canada. What would they charge for a corridor to the East?

    1. No charge as they would not be allowed to control it. Have you ever seen a U S aircraft carrier in the St Lawrence? I have, and just oneof those ships have more firepower than most countries and a hell of a lot more than Canada or Quebec has. You do know what country shares the Seaway don’t you?

  3. To all those keening, Trudeaupian, official bilingualism-fetishizing Canadians attending those mawkish “My Canada Includes Quebec” rallies back in the mid 90s (read: losers) I say this: Quebec needs to stop making ultimatums to the Rest of Canada; the ROC needs to make an ultimatum to Quebec. The province is a spiritually sick socialist society, mired in corruption and crony-corporatism, and in a demographic death spiral with whom the rest of the country would arguably be better off without. Quite simply, the province must be radically re-imagined along more Anglo-Saxon-style, free-market lines or it must leave

  4. Will never happen. Just another idle threat to extort money money & perks from the rest of Canada. The only way we could make this happen is if the rest of Canada has a referendum on seceding from Quebec.
    Any thing I can do to speed this along, Quebec, just let me know.

    1. GRM.

      “..the rest of Canada has a referendum on seceding from Quebec…”
      Now theres a motion I can get behind right alongside Alberta leaving the CON..federation.

      Alberta, a Province with massive Nat Gas/Oil etc pays how much in this Equalization BS..?? ~25-30+ billion Annually..?? Much of which goes to a Province too F’ing lazy to drill for its own.?? (which they have).

      CANADA is an utter disaster…. not one politician with any REAL cojonnes to make any REAL changes. I include Smith in Alberta.

    2. Exactly.
      If Quebec holds a referendum on secession, ROC should be able to hold a referendum at the same time to decide whether to allow the province to remain.
      To sweeten the deal they have to take Trudeau back and don’t give him a passport.

  5. Tell them no, it is treason and sedition and they will be given justice as prescribed for such crimes. Start by locking them up, the blockheads that is.

  6. When does English Canada hold their referendum on kicking Quebec out, regardless of the BQ referendum outcome?

    BQ: “We want to leave and be independent.”
    Canada: “We agree.”
    BQ: “Wait what? Don’t you want to negotiate and pay us more money to stay?”
    Canada: “Nope. Enjoy your independence from the Canadian taxpayer.”

  7. Allez! Allez! Allez!

    “Where do I donate” indeed! (Other than the amount that is deducted from every single one of my paycheques for those….ahem)
    Perhaps the best thing that could ever happen to this useless country is to be rid of those parasites. Maybe Canada could actually get back on track.
    I look forward to the Pequistes winning and I will gladly donate to the Go/Allez campaign that, in this day of the interwebs, should pop up in no time flat!

    1. For about a decade now I’ve been saying I should run as a BQ in BC.
      Most people can’t comprehend that I would put my riding first I would just be pushing for Quebec separation as well.
      My thought is just having a western province with a Quebec separatist candidate would probably encourage Quebecers to separate.

  8. And just like the teenager who threatens to move into his parent’s basement, leaving the upper bedroom floor for good, there goes the PQ, rushing for the fridge before they leave temporarily forever. And they’re taking Steve Martin’s chair with them.

  9. Canada would be better off without Quebec. Quebec would be considerably poorer without Canada. The unofficial motto of Quebec separatists : Canada, give us more money and more power.

    Alberta and Saskatchewan would be better off without Canada. Canada would be considerably poorer without the prairies. The unofficial motto of western prairie separatists : Ottawa, FO and leave us alone you greedy, authoritarian SOBs.

    Quebec will never leave. The separation referendums are purely extortion events by drama queens to get more money from the rest of Canada. The prairies just want the rest of Canada to get their tyranical boot off of our necks and let our economy thrive (which makes money for Canada and Quebec).

  10. I think the solution is to give Quebec to the indians and let them slug it out – Canada would be so much better off without the featherheads and pepsis holding all the cards and making all the laws while feckless ‘leaders’ wring their hands and moan –

  11. This time, let Quebec go, along with their portion of the debt, no currency, and no further equalization payments. They will be screaming to rejoin the rest of us within a very short time as the corporations within the province of Quebec will get no further corporate welfare, and no one in the rest of the world will feel like dealing with either French as an official language, or their inflated opinion of themselves. It will become a basket case and when they ask to return, there will be no special privileges like an official French language.

    The rest of Canada has been listening to them whine as long as this country has existed and it needs to stop.

  12. Many moons ago, I considered the PQ treasonous and made sure to vote to keep Quebec in the country.

    Older me has learned the error of my ways.

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