I’m Not Eating Bugs

Sun- Is Bill C-293 Canada’s ‘Vegan Act’?

Under this bill, public health officials could have the authority to close facilities they consider “high risk,” such as meatpacking plants, during pandemics and even “mandate” the consumption of vegetable proteins by Canadians — measures that border on the absurd. It’s hardly surprising that the private member who introduced Bill C-293 is Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, who is known for his vegan lifestyle.

13 Replies to “I’m Not Eating Bugs”

  1. No surprise in that Erskine being “vegan” is the cover for the introduction of the bill. Hey he’s vegan, or course he would do this.

    However the reality is that like all things the current Leftist coalition is doing, the goal of this is raw power over the electorate and selected companies.

    1. Ward…

      Ideology 100% in line with the Globalist Anti Human Filth – that our gender bent loving Fascist Liberal/NDP/Green cabal has no issue with and gleefully agrees.

  2. GFY, Nate. Stop electing weirdos. Whatever category of freakshow they are, they will inevitably push for said deviancy in legislation.

    1. The PC Party no longer exists. No one should EVER use the term “Progressive-Conservative” EVER (except in its old historical connotation)

      Although some comtemporary “Conservatives” are sure trying to live up to thjeir legacy as wishy-washy Liberal-dererring centrists

      It should be noted that Doug Ford has not (yet) changed the name of the Ontario Conservative party to eliminate the word “progressive”. This is telling on the part of Lockdown Dougie

      1. Agreed Eric.
        That’s kind of like a Ford-Chev!
        One can be either Conservative OR Progressive! Not both. Liberals are by their beliefs, progressive. And that’s why we’re in the mess we are in.

        1. The reason we’re in this mess is that the Liberals have convinced generations of Canadian that:

          1. Quebec secession is the greatest existential threat facing Canada (the second greatest being the pernicious sociocultural influence of Perfidious Amerikkka); and

          2. The Liberals are by far the best party to manage both issues

          And generations of Canadians – conventional, trusting and complacent – have bought their B.S. (Justin was thrice-elected for Crissakes!)

  3. Are there any bills / laws in Canada which were passed “just in case” and never used?

    AB/Sask. should separate from tier 2 Canada before it’s too late, and right now isn’t “too soon”

  4. Of course Hyphenated Nathaniel is “known for his vegan lifestyle.” If I’m in a room with 100 people, I’ll know within minutes that there are no vegans there. Because after a minute at the most a vegan would have told me.

  5. I see stuff like this and I can’t help thinking there is some government sponsored scientist somewhere playing around with making Foot and Mouth Disease (a disease that currently only attacks grazing animals) and making it zoonotic so it could jump to humans. The next thing you know, everyone is eating bugs and not allowed to go outside.

    What was that news bit about Bill Gates buying up grazing farmland to plant soy based plants?

  6. (iii) promote commercial activities that can help reduce pandemic risk, including the production of alternative proteins,

    “Alternative proteins” is Liberalezee for bugs. Why else would they be building the Mother of all Cricket processing factory in Ontario.

  7. This legislation is the Trudeau Liberals way of implementing the WHO’s One Health agenda. Once again, the Liberals are aligning Canada laws with international agencies instead of pursuing national interests like food security and economic well being for Canadian citizens and Canadian industries.

    The fear and propaganda of climate change allowed the Liberals to damage our energy industry by shutting down projects and reduce Canadian’s standard of living with carbon taxes. The One Health agenda will use propaganda and fear of pandemics to control the agricultural industry in much the same way. Just as climate change “green” policies were used to make energy less reliable and more expensive, One Health will make livestock production less reliable and unaffordable.

    Climate change and pandemic prevention are just a smokescreen for the international push to control energy and food, which inevitably is a means to control people through binding agreements signed by elected national governments like the Trudeau Liberals that transfers power to unelected international agencies.

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