6 Replies to “September 25, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Bitch please, every time you accuse Israel of hurting Paleosimians, I only shake my head and think “he is saying that like it was a bad thing”.

  1. Here’s how Trump would have roasted Kamala if she hadn’t cowardly bailed on the Al Smith dinner..


    “Wow, Kamala’s giving me that same death stare Crazy Nancy gave Sleepy Joe when he tried to resist falling on his sword. I hope she got frisked on the way in, because judging by her expression right now, I’m worried she might use that gun on me, which nobody knew she had until last week when she was trying to woo the NRA crowd by boasting to Oprah that she’s Rambo’s kid sister.

    “President Biden was apparently due to come too, but he couldn’t remember what day it was. Nor can he remember he’s still president, which isn’t surprising given that so few other people remember that either.”

    “So, while it’s great to see you here tonight, Kamala, let me just end by saying this: If you’re the voice of change, honesty and unity, then who the hell’s to blame for what’s happened in the last four years?”

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