What’s a cut of half? Who will notice?

Bronwyn Eyre

Emissions cap on oil and gas production could lead to 52% reduction in production by 2050, says tribunal

So yesterday I put over 800 km on my truck to attend a press conference in Saskatoon regarding the report of Saskatchewan’s Economic Impact Assessment Tribunal on the planned greenhouse gas emissions cap on oil and gas production, as well as “Methane 75.” That proposes cutting methane emissions by 75% by 2030.

This is the opening story in what will literally be dozens of pieces on this, as I will be publishing most of the submissions to the tribunal.

The key thing is the Saskatchewan government says an emissions cap is a de facto production cap, and this report bears that out. And for the record, oil and gas, principally oil, is the largest portion of Saskatchewan’s GDP, exceeding even agriculture and potash.


Also, I looked down at my tripod while at the press conference and noticed it’s covered with grey specs of drilling mud from visiting various rigs over the summer. And then I looked around at the other media’s tripods – CTV, Global, CBC, CBC French, some I don’t know. No mud. I wonder why? Go figure.

no mud.

18 Replies to “What’s a cut of half? Who will notice?”

  1. In the meantime, the provincial NDP are feverishly tossing hail mary passes in all directions with reckless spending promises in anticipation of reeling in the low information voter. At the same time, they are quite happy with feel good legislation like emission caps and the carbon tax which will cripple the province’s economy. So where’s the money going to come from to pay for all these wild promises? Perhaps they should check with their ultimate leader in Ottawa who continues to prop up Trudeau and his fanciful ideas. These people need to take a course in Accounting 101 and come to the realization that an income statement lists revenue as well as expense.

  2. Easy solution for SASK govt is to quit playing footsie with the issue and simply say there is Zero reason for Zero emissions as man made CO2 is not a thermostat for the planet.

    But I suspect the current SASK govt is playing the role here.

  3. Hi Brian , the climate cult has constantly rebranded the scam , global warming, climate change, climate disruption and now Climate Emergency ! I have never understood why the “Oil & Gas” industry lets it’s enemies define the industry. They need to re-brand it the “Organic” fuel industry as both Oil and Gas are from ancient organics, it cannot be argued otherwise .

    1. I’ve been pretty harsh in my criticism on that front, referring to it as “battered wife syndrome.” Stand up! In fact, one of my ads says exactly that, paid for by a very small oil company.

      1. I also noticed I had the only pickup truck parked on that block of downtown Saskatoon. In southeast Saskatchewan, 80-90% of new vehicle sales are trucks and SUVs, but mostly pickups. Dealers don’t even order cars, because no one buys them. I did a series of stories on this a number of years ago, and things haven’t changed since. It’s like an entirely different culture, city vs rural. Which is my point.

  4. The media don’t have any mud on their kit because they never leave Ottawa and Toronto. No need, they just lie about what’s going on in the West and that’s good enough. After all, that’s what they’re paid to do.

    The other thing is that Newsies generally, as a ‘race’ if you will, are utterly convinced that nothing of any importance happens outside Ottawa and Toronto, maaaybe Montreal for the Frenchies. All the rest of Canada doesn’t really exist for them, except as this nebulous sort of thing that they drive past or fly over on the way to something Important.

    Americans are no different. If it isn’t in New York, LA or DC, it isn’t Important.

    This is why it is to all of our advantage to see them bankrupt as soon as possible. >:D

    1. When I worked for the local paper in North Battleford, we had a running joke in the newsroom that the only time CBC or CTV came to the Battlefords was when someone died. Two years before I started working for the paper, we had a water crisis and thousands got sick from cryptosporidium, self and wife included. As a private citizen who was writing columns, I attended one of the press conferences. I remember to this day the disgust on David Common’s (CBC) face when he realized he was going to have to go to Walmart and buy a new shirt because he was going to have to stay overnight. I could never stand him after that. It was clear he didn’t give a rat’s azz about the local people. And no one died. How disappointing.

  5. How did so many destructive, deceitful, EVIL people end up in policy defining positions. Did somebody break the seals on the gates of hell?

    1. The low information voter never bothers to read the publications that the evil people publish, like Agenda 2030/21. Therefore, they don’t know that they are being gaslit, and don’t believe those that are truly informed about what is coming down the pipe. And when they finally realize that they have been hoodwinked, and that the country is no longer what it was, it is too late to fight the totalitarian regimes, like the Liberals, NDP, Bloc and Greens.

      You can vote your way into socialism/communism, but you must fight your way out.

    2. I hold firm the belief that western civilization is in a stage where we care dearly for the oppressed. Generally a good thing, but some among us have developed the ability to appear oppressed, and deserving of resources, when they are anything but oppressed. Mixed with a managerial class that is terrified of being called an “oppressor”, and decisions don’t square with reality.

  6. If you cut the emissions by half then you cut the temperature by half.

    Right? Where is a dance theory major when you need one?

  7. I like your comments about mud and working gear. What is that old line of Harper’s…
    There are people who shower in the morning before they go to work, and there are people who shower after working all day.

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