21 Replies to “When Will Gina Raimondo Resign?”

  1. Did The U.S. Commerce Secretary just call for Donald Trump’s death?

    Of course she did.

    Remember, her nominal boss, Joe Biden, said it was “time to put Trump in a bulls eye.”

    1. Just yesterday on The View, that ugly fat black woman with the Jewish name referred to Trump as an insect. Joe Biden was a guest, and immediately made a squishing motion with his fingers. They showed the replay last night on The Five on foxnews.

  2. Who is running the country?
    It’s not the schizophrenic chestfeeding cabinet members. It’s clearly not the president or vice president.

    I only see two possible answers.
    Or vast conspiracy, hidden puppet master(s)

  3. Look, I get it. The frustration of a one sided critique and the application of a two tier justice system has caused everyone to resort to playing by the same rules that Alinsky’s Left applies to their opposition. Here’s my problem. I am, always have been, and will always be a proponent for Free Speech. By that I mean ALL free speech. The right to offend. The right to hate. The right to form opinions based on my own rules and no one else’s.

    So, when someone like this Commerce Secretary (who is piss poor at her job btw) says something like “extinguish for good,” I really don’t care. Only she knows the intent of that comment, and implying that it is a call for assassination without question is nothing more than relying on the same nonsense basis the Left does when determining the “fantasy world” concept of “hate speech.”

    The primary problem that faces us is NOT someone like Ms. Raimondo making a stupid statement. It’s the mentally ill, lemming mentality, non-player character cretins who are a risk to form their own conclusions and act as if being instructed based on their own pre-derelictions.

    As I said. I get it. I understand the responses. It reflects the “you made the rules,” mentality….”now live by them yourselves.” I just don’t subscribe to that point of view, because there is no going back.

    1. Agreed, Orson. It’s in the same category as demanding that some lefty arsehole be hauled before a Human Rights Commission. By doing so you legitimize the kangaroo courts.

    2. You’re missing the fundamental aspect of human psychology that is the Prisoner’s Dilemma. The most effective way to ensure cooperation – and this has been confirmed over and over – is to consistently reward cooperation and consistently, brutally punish treachery.

      Large corporations didn’t stop shoving the degeneracy agenda down our throats because normal people “took the high road”; it took their entire target market saying “not now, not ever, not if you apologize, not if you discount the beer”, burying Bud Light and salting the ground forever to get InBev to back off. Same with John Deere. Same with Harley-Davidson.

      The bodies need to start hitting the floor so the lemmings remember why the Marquis of Queensbury rules existed in the first place.

    3. If there had been zero attempts on Trump’s life when the Hag opens her piehole, then ok. But there have been two – that we know of – attempts before, so that’s when I feel your logic takes a shit.

    4. In a perfect world, yes. Unfortunately we live in a one sided world where a Republican who did the same thing would have already resigned under unrelenting pressure from the criminal media. It’s been that way for decades. Conservatives can’t continue to just roll over and take it. The only hope is that if they feel some pain, they’ll stop. It’s likely a forlorn hope, but at least they’ll feel some pain. Also see richfisher post below – mutually assured destruction

  4. Evidently the CEO of Assassins ‘R Us ! 🙂
    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  5. I see that the Biden Admin. has “toned-down the rhetoric”. What a wonderful vocabulary our Commerce Sec. possesses. “Extinguish” Trump … NOW! What wonderful wordsmithing. She didn’t say murder, or assassinate … she said “extinguish”. You know … like rubbing-out a burning cigarette. Extinguish is such a positive thing. It stops a deadly fire. Or it ends a pesty life.

    How wonderful a woke womyn she is …

  6. Let’s put the shoe – or how about the red dot sight – on her foot and see how she likes others treating her life with word salad.
    Walk a mile in Trump’s shoes, you hag, and then speak volumes.

  7. BTW … Gina … is the sad, quiet, tragically homely girl who sat in the front row so she wouldn’t have to SEE how her fellow students were mocking her awkwardness. But she KNEW it and FELT it … despite lacking the coping skills that socially successful people master.

    So she targeted governmental power and prestige to assuage her grade school pain. And now she is letting her deep seated anger go wild. She’ll show that good-looking guy who “had it all”. She’ll SHOW him! She’ll speak the CIA-programmed code word that unleashes the mentally ill recruits to take another shot at Trump …

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