23 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

    1. As someone on this site said recently, “…people will vote for Harris because they hate Trump.”
      The left has been portraying him as evil since before he was elected the first time and their rhetoric has increased tenfold since. It’s no wonder that the average person (who gets their news from MSM, Facebook, Google, TikTok, YouTube, and the like) are inclined to vote for Harris. Even people attending the Democrat convention were interviewed and admitted they didn’t know why they were supporting Harris.

      1. Afghanistan debacle, $8 Billion weapons package to Taliban, government censorship of truth, increased government propaganda/misinformation, open border, importation of illegals to replace US workers, importation of illegals to replace US voters, importation of gangs, importation of fentanyl, free crack pipes, ANTIFA, destruction of US cities, destruction of US military, destruction of US economy, persecution of patriots, persecution of Catholics, persecution of political opponents, free money to Ukraine, war mongering into WWIII, blatant influence peddling, can’t define ‘woman’ but men can compete with women, men can menstruate, men can give birth, Presidential dementia, Hunter/hookers/cocaine, inflation, high gas prices, high food prices, high housing prices, high interest rates, high taxes…

        So many reasons to vote Democrat…

    1. 🙂 Yep, Schlichter is very good. And not since today-yesterday.

      I also sense a bit of consternation in his text, and it’s not only with Kurt. Something like: “Wait, are you Lefties serious about pushing this ZERO as your candidate?!? Really?”

  1. “I just don’t get Harris having any support.”
    It’s a puzzle until you think about how many people depend on the government for a paycheck, or money laundering: government employees, at every level including teachers, foundations, NGOs, government contractors, including road construction, military…, whole industries, even failed non productive ones, pensioners… And, ok, LIV.

    1. More on how wide and deep government tentacles run. It is very insidious and embedded.
      Why didn’t local school boards stand
      up to bizarre Title 9 demands or the absurd Covid mandates. They would lose all their funding
      Remember when the government demanded the states lower speed limits, and require child safety seats.
      Failure to comply meant loss of highway funds.
      Research. Who funds research besides the government (think Fauci) and major corporations. You know what happens to people who don’t have the right outcomes. Their work doesn’t see the light of day and they’re cut off from further funding.
      One of my pet peeves is the harping and carping over Trump’s appointees. Sure, he was a naif, and that’s part of it, but the other part is the pool he had to select from. It would be career suicide to work for or support Trump. That’s why there are shy Trump voters. It’s not that they’re cowards but they expose family, children, , associates, their businesses to harassment. You have to be very principled and courageous or you have to have nothing to loose.

    2. I don’t know how widespread this claim is, but EPA is alleged to have funded activist organizations, either directly or indirectly. Their role was to gin up interest and to come before the agency and demand regulations for whatever was the issue de jour. In other words the demand for regulation was intentionally manufactured, not organic, not the result of a public outcry.

      1. Sue and settle is legendary. A government agency that does not have the legal authority to regulate something funds an NGO to file a suit. They do not defend the suit and the courts hand down a summary judgement. Instant authority to regulate.

    3. ““I just don’t get Harris having any support.”
      It’s a puzzle until you think about how many people depend on the government for a paycheck,”

      She has the support of the IRS employees, which should be a huge red flag by itself.

    1. “And look at Nancy Pelosi. How does she accumulate wealth estimated at between $110 to $250 million on a salary that never exceeded $180,000 a year.”

      The Clintons and the Obamas, too. Too bad we don’t have news media who would look into such things.

      1. Paul Pelosi has made yet another brilliant stock trade, selling shares of Visa valued at between $500,000 and $1 million less than three months before the feds hit the credit card company with antitrust charges.

        Guess being married to one of the most plugged-in politicians in America has its perks: Does anyone believe Pelosi is making these “lucky” calls entirely on his own?


        No wonder Pelosi wants to “preserve her democracy”

  2. In a way I can’t believe the Dems were so cocky and arrogant that they thumbed their noses at RFK. MAHA could have been a huge part of their election strategy. It would have made for great positive talking points, highlighted what Dems are doing for America, and off set, or overshadowed how awful Harris’ is, her lack of chops and her policy deficits. It was really stupid or it’s because they are so controlled by Big Ag, Big Food, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Medicine.

  3. I don’t know in which category to place the Harris canadicy under. Is it people are easier to fool than convince they have been fooled or fool me once ,shame on you, twice shame on me. Even under the cover of covid, it was clear Joe was not competent for the job of president. I am quite convinced that the release of covid was part of the scheme to unsent Trump. The installation of Harris is the same. Will the eliminate Trump near voting day and find it “necessary ” to install Harris? Surely it will be needed to save us ,especially if it is blamed on the Irainians. What could possibly go wrong

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