11 Replies to “Freeze Their Bank Accounts”

    1. The economy is in recession, and going deeper. maybe this will tip it into the abyss, and this land can be reformulated minus the woke socialists, maybe not. If not, nothing worth saving, so let ‘er burn.

  1. Add Canada Customs, then the airports, then passport renewal workers and we’ll be unable to leave the country, or eat, so we’ll at last be thankful we can EAT ZEE BUGZ.

    1. Don’t think for a minute that the AC pilots have settled. Every AC pilot I know, including my son, think the offer is derisory and they are still in a strike position.
      Think Thanksgiving, the strike vote is valid until 25 October.

  2. Well waddya know? Port workers striking at harvest time? Takes me back to the ‘60’s…and every time since. When will employers and regulators and legislators wake up and change the contract expiry dates to March?
    Do we let Santa strike in mid-December every year?

    1. If farmers and factory workers have to compete on a world scale, why not bureaucrats as well? Probably get 5 Indian workers for the price of 1 union slob on the waterfront.

  3. I guess the one flaw with the Union’s plan, is that 70% of the export crop of Canola that gets sold to China, may not go to China this year because China is claiming canada is dumping it on the market, in revenge for Trudeau putting tarriffs on Chinese EVs that aren’t even sold in Canada yet.

    If the Chinese don’t buy it, there isn’t really anyone else that can pick up that slack.

    1. Au contraire. The last time when this happened was about 8-9 years ago. Instead, India purchased quite a bit more, and then sold it on to China, taking a cut on the transaction. That will probably happen again.

    1. To borrow a phrase above, Au contraire.
      It’s all nasty Conservatives and Stephen Harper’s fault.
      Those with unacceptable views.
      The Hair-Bong do no wong.

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