64 Replies to “September 26, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. Which A-Listers will be dragged into P Diddy’s drugs and orgies scandal next? A nervous Hollywood is full of friends who were once so thrilled to be invited to his notorious parties


    Inquiring minds also want to know if politicians could be involved or if the whole sordid mess will go down the memory hole if and when Diddy is suicided in prison. Poke around some dark places and you’ll hear murmurs about Barry and ‘Big Mike’ O’Bummer…

    1. Damage will be minimal.

      Many movie moguls were/are pedofiles and homosexualists. The casting couch was but one form of ‘influence’ they used on budding stars.

      Things get tight and it looks like the puffster is going to talk…he’ll be ‘Epsteined’.

      They made him , they can destroy him.

    1. I heard it was that he reduced spending on migrants which violated the left’s fundamental/very important/urgent Cloward-Piven strategy.

    2. Maybe Mayor Adams, former NYPD captain, former NY state senator and former Brooklyn Borough President has copies of Diddy’s videos. Otherwise, what’s Adams doing that isn’t done by Uniparty politicians in WDC?

      1. Good one DM.

        Terry Glavin is the best journalist Canada has. Full stop.

        He also has a podcast that is worth the subscription

      1. I’m waiting for the day she looks in the mirror and realizes her problems with relationships is her, then writes a dirge. (So many failures with one common element. Occam’s razor?)

        Actually I’m not, I don’t recall hearing anything of hers since she was prominent in country. If I did, it was so bland I don’t recall it.

      2. I have read that Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift have an agreement to “pretend to be a couple” while Travis is secretly a gay guy. The agreement apparently has and end date as well.
        I read this in the “National Enquirer” so take it with a grain of salt, but NE has been right more often than not. It will be interesting to see what unfolds.

        1. Perhaps we should all be writing to the PMO, saying that we are Travis Kelce fans and it would help out Shiny Pony’s public profile to be seen with him?

          With any luck there will be an announcement Travis and Shiny Pony are now a couple! 🙂

        2. Er, National Enquirer has been right every now and again, it has been right when you least expected it, but it certainly has not been right more often than not. It’s overwhelmingly flagrant gleeful bullshit, and that’s part of the fun.

  2. “ACAM2000 (monkeypox shot) is a live replicating vaccinia virus vaccine that, per the adverse reactions listed on the warnings insert, can cause severe disability, inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, permanent neurological sequelae (long term infection), death of the vaccinated individual, and … wait for it…

    “death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with vaccinated individuals.””


    Vaccinations. The Other Genocide.

    1. There is no such thing as “islamaphobia!” I keep saying that a phobia is an *irrational* fear of something.
      There is nothing irrational about fearing Islam!!! It’s actually common sense (intuitive, actually) to fear something you know will harm you, both physically, and spiritually.

    1. Because Canadian tax payers need to be paying for these foreign students to be living in 5-star hotels or for the government to build single family houses for them for when they refuse to leave Canada and then sponsor a hundred of their relatives to come here and sponge off of tax payers too.

      And if we dont give them everything they demand they and the media will call Canadians racists!

  3. (New York city) Adams’ 2021 campaign raked in $10M in matching funds in part from illegal contributions from Turkey: indictment

    Adams and staff sneakily attempted to hide corruption with Turkey: indictment

  4. German Parliament To Review Petition To Make “Pedosexuality” A Legally Protected Identity

    Shocking Trial In Germany Reveals That A Trans-Identified Male Procured Children For A Millionaire Pedophile To Abuse

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