The Part I Like Best

About safe supply is how it saves lives while drying up demand for dangerous street drugs: “Government Heroin” documentary exposes rampant safer supply fraud

In the film, Callum explains how, three years ago, a friend informed him that drug users in the city were receiving “insane” amounts of free safer supply drugs – predominantly hydromorphone, an opioid as potent as heroin. While these drugs are meant to wean addicts off riskier street substances, the friend explained that recipients mostly sell their safer supply at bargain prices so they can procure stronger substances, such as illicit fentanyl.

At first, Callum thought this was a joke. He had been struggling with a moderate addiction to pharmaceutical opioids – mostly oxycodone and Percocet – but, as these pills were expensive and hard to find, his drug use remained stable. The idea that the government was showering individuals with hundreds of powerful opioid pills a month, for free and with essentially no supervision, seemed “almost like a dream for a drug addict.”

But then he connected with some safer supply clients and realized that everything that he had heard was true.

23 Replies to “The Part I Like Best”

    1. Like all government programs, they cause the opposite of what they supposedly try to do. The only one that has worked is anti-smoking campaigns. Safe abortions=more abortions, safe s3x = more STD’s, nutritional help= rampant obesity, dignity in dying = expansion into the poor, disabled and mentally ill or depressed. I could expand, but you get the idea.

      1. I would challenge you on the anti-smoking campaigns in that Yes, the programs worked for nicotine (regular) cigarettes, but the government has got into the taxation and legal supply of marijuana. If smoke from cooking fires, wood-burning fireplaces and nicotine is bad, would not smoke from marijuana be equally as bad?

      2. It’s not a good solution if it doesn’t make the problem worse so the advocates will get more money and power to fix the problem they don’t plan to fix.

        There’s no problem the government could not make worse with the corrupt and gullible working together.

  1. “Safe supply” of narcotics to an addict will work to get them clean in the same way that an alcoholic will get sober by being given the keys to the liquor store.
    When I was a family physician the triplicate prescription program was brought in to curb the access to and diversion of narcotic pharmaceuticals and it had some success. “Safe supply” goes 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

  2. “Safe supply” is a contradiction in terms. The substance being supplied is the thing creating the harm. If it is “clean” from a government source it may in fact be more dangerous than the “dirty” street drugs because it is the genuine, uncut version.

    You take your addict and stick him somewhere that he can’t get his favorite fix, eventually he’ll wind down and return to baseline, minus whatever brain damage occurred while he was addicted. The reason this isn’t being done in Canada right now is that there is NO MONEY IN IT for government apparatchiks. They make a sh1tlocker of money re-directing “clean” supply. That’s why they do it.

    Absolutely no one cares a single damn about the addicts themselves. They’re allowed to get as wasted as they want and quietly unalive themselves in a puddle of their own fluids, to the concern of no one. Even the undertaker is making bank off the bodies.

    I’m not going to pretend I care either, but I do have a problem with apparatchiks lying to me saying that this is ‘compassionate care’. It is an atrocity, perpetrated on my fellow citizens with MY money.

    1. “I’m not going to pretend I care either, but I do have a problem with apparatchiks lying to me saying that this is ‘compassionate care’. It is an atrocity, perpetrated on my fellow citizens with MY money.”

      My thoughts exactly. No one ever asks the residents who live near these ‘safe injection sites’ how *they* feel about them, and for good reason.

      1. Yes, residents living near these things do not exist in the media.

        Which makes me wonder what would happen if all the big cities in Canada shipped all their addicts and criminals to Ottawa, to be closer to the policy makers who created this problem.

  3. Food for thought…
    In China these drug addicts would be shot, with no trial and then buried in a big communal hole to save on digging and bulldozing costs.
    In Canada, we give them free everything including their dope.

    Two complete extremes.

    Being I am normally pro freedom all the way, I would be willing to compromise in this particular situation.
    – Arrest addict, create record and offer help to clean up. Lock them up for a week cold turkey to sober up, release them, Give 60 days notice of intent.
    – None compliance and re arrest results in rehabilitation camp that includes army like discipline and rewarded hard physical work, away from civilisation for an undetermined time depending on results and evaluation on chances of going back on drugs once released.
    – After camp failure is an automatic one way ticket to China…lol

    Slippery slope? No, tough love of countrymen IMO

    1. Except there isn’t much “freedom” involved, when the government extorts money from the productive citizen, and distributes it as free drugs to the indolent.

      If a druggy has a productive job, and pays for his own drugs, then why should we care?

  4. This program is working exactly as planned. Keeping junkies addicted, and generating new addicts.

    It was designed by evil men and fronted by idiots.

    The solution to the problem they purposely caused will be to ramp up the funding and do MOAR.

    1. “This program is working exactly as planned. Keeping junkies addicted, and generating new addicts.

      It was designed by evil men and fronted by idiots.”

      Yup…a huge ‘make work’ project designed to benefit the Poverty Industry (of which our current BC Premier was once both an enthusiastic proponent *and* employee).

  5. It’s simply another manifestation of the new “gay” credo … “Love without Labels”. These people aren’t “Drug Addicts” … they’re “theraputic participants” in government sponsored Love

  6. I think all these NGOs engage in fraud to get more funding. In this case, give out twice as much to a person, pretend there’s one other person they’re supporting, and get more funding. I doubt they need proper proof of ID for each “client”

  7. It’s a bad idea the same way that open borders are a bad idea and that is because of the pervasive existence of the welfare state. Personal responsibility has been subsumed by the state as the population morphs into cattle. Safe Supply is actually an expensive extension of MAID.

  8. As we all know, the more Lefty Programs fail, the harder Leftys try over again.
    And as there is nothing that governments touch that doesn’t turn to shit, they’re just trying harder to make things shittier.

  9. Laws like this are written by just a few lefties who think they’re the smartest of the smart. After the laws go into effect they are easily gamed by half-brain-dead drug addicts.

  10. The programs would work if only the injection/distribution sites were in the right places: Westmount, Rockliffe Park, The Bridle Path, Point Grey …

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