Shocking No One

Blacklock’s- Gambling’s Up, Senators Told

Gambling addiction in Canada has worsened since Parliament legalized single event sports betting three years ago, researchers have told the Senate.

“Seven percent of Canadians met the criteria for problem gambling,” Matthew Young, researcher for the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, told the Senate transport and communications committee. “Rates of problem gambling are even higher among younger Canadians aged 18 to 34 reaching 15 percent,” added Young.

14 Replies to “Shocking No One”

  1. Personal choice, but no money should be handed out to solve this “problem”. Live with your choices, no matter how stupid they may be.

  2. meanwhile Nanny Moe and his Sask Party as well as numerous First Nation bands continue to profit from the misery of problem gamblers at their facilities

  3. I’m betting the government doesn’t give a shit.
    I know I don’t.
    It certainly taints sports and it has turned portions of broadcasts into insulting slaps to people who actually understand what’s going on and are watching despite the stupid money.

  4. It’s a problem. Half the ads on TV today are for some kind of online gambling and some of the people being paid for endorsements should be ashamed. Hello Great One. Like cigarettes and liquor, feel free to do what you want but don’t encourage it and I think smart phones with the pretty colours and sounds and play for free is more dangerous than tobacco companies and distilleries eking out market share.

  5. Its a good thing being addicted to booze and drugs doesn’t increase reckless behavior like gambling or else I’d expect an increase in crime and pan handling and homelessness.

    “Please disperse. Nothing to see here. Please disperse.”

  6. The next frontier is prostitution, the only vice left not peddled and taxed by the gubmint. I try to imagine what a government-run whorehouse would look like. And all the mandated DEI and LGBTQ insanity thrown in. The worse is that when you talk about legalizing prostitution to a typical Canadian, they launch into how the government would ensure safety, and have regular mandated medical exams, have tax revenues, etc. It is inconcievable to the average Canadian that 2 people could make a personal contract to exchange sex for money without involving 3 or 4 layers of government.

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