12 Replies to “A Lot More”

  1. That $300 toaster will be slapped with a sticker ‘ engineered in California, made in China’. Just like all those $300 coffee pod machines that can’t even boil water.

  2. I don’t give a f#kk if the toaster costs $250, as long as I get to stop filling the coffers of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Communist People so they can build up a war machine to totally destroy Western Civilization and turn the surviving Western people into slaves for the rest of time !!!!!

    1. Now don’t go screwing a good propaganda piece with facts!
      r (the magazine) seems to assume that everything starts from scratch.
      Or worse yet, they are never Trump libertarian Democrats

  3. Returning manufacturing back to the US is not an overnight event. However, provided the government stays out of the way, Capitalism will take care of the rest. Sure, as it is now, industry is not in a position to push out $30 toasters. However, as soon as some early bird pops out a $350 one, there are going to be myriad entrepreneurs trying to figure out how to make it cost less without sacrificing its purpose. This continuous process guarantees lowering prices as competition ramps up. Eventually, the industry is revitalized…and guess what…the rest of the world starts buying them from us. The US (and Canada for that matter) has more resources than most other countries on the planet. Materials are, also, an industry we farmed out abroad. That can change as well, but not overnight.

    Anyone recall how much it could cost for a hand held calculator when they first became available to the public. It was about $600. Now you can pick one up at a supermarket in their stationary department for about $3.

    1. And, BTW, China depends on imports of oil to the tune of 72%. Additionally, they are not self-sufficient on food either. They are more dependent on the US than we are on them (in the long run). The simple fact of the matter is that there are few things the US requires from China to exist….and many things China requires from the rest of the world to exist. That is not a very good negotiating position when the concept of tariffs come up. They could hurt us initially, but at the same time they would be sabotaging their future market availability.

  4. These guys have no idea what automation can do. We absolutely could make those $30 toasters. The problem is we would need a huge startup investment in the automation first. And, as long as China CAN flood the market with theirs than there is no reason to invest in the US version at that price.

  5. Hmmmm … so a Western-made toaster will cost $300. The alternative is to buy a toaster made by SLAVE wages? It doesn’t seem to bother the EV drivers that the raw materials going into their eco-rides both destroy the environment and destroy lives … so getting a cheap, disposable, toaster is “worth it”. Worth the disposal of human lives slaving-away to build disposable toasters.

    I keep hearing how the ChiComs, and VietNam have an expanding middle class. How can they? When toasters cost $30.00? Nobody can possibly being paid middle class wages. So … breakdown the costs of a $30 toaster: Labor, materials, manufacturing of materials, packaging, shipping … and how much of that cost is worker wages. Hint; not nearly enough to become middle class.

    So … your $30 toaster is the epitome of worker oppression. The epitome of the elite oppressing the weak and needy. The epitome of Communism. I hope you choke on your burnt toast

    1. I’ll bet yer old enough to have used a manual toaster.
      Type 1- put bread slice in the open wire basket, hold over heat (open fire, heating element, etc)
      Tyoe 2- put slices of bread on each side door of toaster , close up each side, open and turn each slice to brown other side.
      Toasters don’t need wifi, Bluetooth ,IP, lights, ding-dongs, whizzers, bleepers, buzzers.

  6. The is a reason I gave up on Reason and The Economist. Because they stopped being how they started. Instead of doing a bottom up “if I were to found a company that did this…” they found designer versions and based everything off of that.

    It’s like looking at the level of education of a barista and saying that a functional engineer needs 3 PhDs before they should be allowed to work. No. You need one BApSc (Bachelors of Applied Science in the school that I attended) IN THE RELEVANT FIELD.

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