4 Replies to ““Dear white RCMP officers, recognize your white privilege, you utter a**holes.””

  1. The only new thing here is that they dared to write it down.

    Written policies are available to be offered in court proceedings. We now have hard evidence of policies that previously were strictly nod-and-wink. Yes, they really do have different policies for different groups.

    And that is why Mr. Stabby from Pakistan gets out in 8 hours on a $2,500 bond after some appaling road-rage and attempted stabbiness, caught on video.

    But if I, old white guy, smacked his head with my cane while he attempted to gut me, on video, would I get such kid-glove treatment? Very much no, and now I can hold that up in court and object.

    Leading me to suspect that evidence has less bearing on court proceedings than I think.

  2. With respect to the RCMP directive to consider “poverty” and IBPoC (?) when issuing traffic fines …

    In my last trip to traffic court to fight the ticket issued to me for failing to come to a “complete stop” at a stop sign on a deserted country lane … I was the LAST case heard on the docket. So I got to witness each and every one of the hundred people receiving the court’s justice. The Judge literally dismissed the fines, and expunged the record of nearly every single scofflaw. They ALL came from “poor” zip codes.

    When the Judge got to me … he literally laughed and said PAY UP! My zip code is … shall we say … an expensive community. So yeah … if you have the money to pay the fine … you’ll get the book thrown at you. If you’re a … ?? IBPoC ?? … you go free.

    So much for blind justice.

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